

Tellina di Giuseppe da Fiesole and Miriam Katerina Braunholt

The Baronial Coronet, Baron and Baroness, of Rivenoak are the liaison of the Crown to the populace of Rivenoak and vice versa.

The Baronial Coronet shall act to the best of their ability as the chief examples of chivalry, courtesy, and grace for the people of the Barony.

The Baronial Coronet shall also represent and be advocate of the Baronial Populace to the Crown of the West. They should encourage hospitality and welcome to new and prospective members of the Barony.

They should encourage and promote the arts, sciences, and martial arts of the Current Middles Ages. They will Recommend to the Crown of the West those who, through their achievements and/ or service, are worthy of recognition. They encourage and support the officers of the Barony and recommend their replacements to the Kingdom Officers and Crown as the need arises.

Greater Officers of the Barony


Anna Bonci

The deputy seneschal assist the current seneschal with their duties. Often the deputy is in training to become the next seneschal of the Barony, but not always. 


(Club Treasurer)

Lady Tellina di Giuseppe da Fiesole

The Exchequer preforms the duties of treasurer for the local chapter.

The Exchequer reports to the Principality and Kingdom Exchequer, and is in charge of all financial activities for accounts of the Barony. 

Arts & Sciences

Lady Sinead inghean Fhearghusa

SCA Arts & Sciences are all the crafts, skills, and technologies practiced in the time period and cultures that the SCA covers..  The Arts & Sciences Officer encourages and supports all activities in pursuit of Medieval and Renaissance Arts & Sciences. Official duties include coordinating the hold competitions, host classes, and promoting the dissemination of accurate information about the fields under study Everyone is welcome to enjoy all aspects of these endeavors and is highly encouraged to become involved ~ learn something new, teach something you love, hone your skills.

Chronicler (Newsletter)

Lord Seamus the Shameless

Our Barony must publish a quarterly newsletter, called "The Quill", and have a fully warranted Chronicler in accordance with Kingdom law. The Barony's newsletter should be a showpiece of the Barony, showing it in the finest possible light. It will allow the words of the Barony officers to reach the populace. 


Lady Maeva of Rivenoak

The Constables are the friendly faces you meet at the gate for each event throughout the kingdom.

One of the primary responsibilities of the Constable is to ensure that the gate is manned (someone is taking care of business at the front-door for an event, taking money, getting people to sign waivers, etc.). The Constables task can include maintaining order at events and often make sure that the fire laws are followed at camping events.


Master Gwyn Chwith ap Llyr

The Office of the Curmudgeon acts as chief advisor to the Baronial Coronet and as Councilor to the Baronial Guard. The office of the Curmudgeon is only chosen from the ex-Barons and ex-Baronesses of Rivenoak. The Curmudgeon maintains the traditions of the Barony and helps oversee the Coronet's election.


Sean of Rivenaok

The Herald is responsible for assisting with name research (onomastics) and the design, registration, and display of devices ('coats of arms'). Heralds also serve as the “Voice of Baron“ or other royalty by assisting at court or making general announcements. Voice heralds fall into two major categories: duty and court. "Duty" heralds are the ones who go around making announcements at events and may also announce fighters during tournaments. "Court" heralds are those who verbally direct the business during court. Heralds who concentrate on research are often called "book heralds". Having Deputy Heralds who excel in these areas is always a helpful.


 Heavy Marshal

Lord Gruffydd of Rivenoak

The Heavy Marshal is a specially trained person who oversees all aspects of rattan combat. The Heavy Marshal is responsible for martial activities in the Barony, including armored combat in tournaments and wars, and the maintenance/publication/ enforcement of standards for construction and use of all weapons and armor. They also work hand in hand with the Barony’s Rapier, Archery, Thrown Weapons, Equestrian, Siege, and Armored Youth Combat Marshals, if there are any. All rules for combat in the West are based on the SCA standard rules, which can be found on the Society Marshal's page.

Lesser Officers of the Barony

Archery Marshal

Lord Goran Vukovic

The Archer of a branch group is responsible for monitoring archery at events, and encouraging target and combat archery in the group.


Sveinn Ja'rnsaxa

The Chatelaine is responsible for assisting newcomers to the SCA and serves as the public information officer for the group. The Chatelaine works closely with the Seneschal and Gold Key.

Gold Key

Mistress Hilarie the Puppeteer

This is the office that manages loaner garb (clothing) for visitors to Barony events. First time events are sometimes better enjoyed by participating in clothing of the time period. Often a position held by the Chatelaine.

Minister of the List

Jazmine of Rivenoak

The Minister of the Lists coordinates the lists of fighters and maintains the list throughout the tournaments.

Rapier Marshal

Don Jose Ramirez de Coronado

The Rapier Marshal is responsible for all rapier activities in the Barony. They oversee rapier combat activities in the Barony, Encourage the development of safety, honor, and authenticity upon the field.

They ensure proper communication to the Baronial Heavy Marshal and Principality Rapier Marshal.

Youth Combat Marshal


The Youth Combat program covers ages 6-18 in a segmental program designed to prepare future West Kingdom heavy and Rapier fighters while encouraging our youth to explore Chivalry while enjoying Combat. 

Youth Chancellor


The Youth Chancellor is the group's children's activities officer who assists parents in integrating children's activities into events. The Youth Chancellor is responsible for coordinating and organizing Youth Point at Barony events. The children of this Barony are the future of the SCA. They are our future Barons and Baroness, Officers, Kings and Queens, our future Laurels, Pelicans, Knights and Masters of Defense. Youth Point runs on the 2-deep rule as specified in the 2014 Seneschals Handbook. This states that all youth activities must be run by two non-related adults, one of whom has an approved background check. The safety of your children is important to us. As such we are always looking for more volunteers.

Web Minister

Katherine "Katie" Yearwood

The web minister oversees electronic publishing for the Barony’s website. The Web Minister is responsible for the content management and maintenance of the site. The position also oversees the Social Media Deputy. The Web Minister works often with the Seneschal, Chronicler and different autocrats of event.