Standard Arts Events
The Ancient Muses have inspired Artisans to do Great Works, and they may gather their works to share with all who wish to see. Artisans, whether they are Laurels or not are invited to display their works and all the populace is invited to view at the Western Mousieo
The Ancient Muses have inspired Artisans to do Great Works, and they may gather their works to share with all who wish to see. Artisans, whether they are Laurels or not are invited to display their works and all the populace is invited to view at the Western Mousieo
The West Kingdom Arts & Sciences Tourney is a weekend-long camping event held every Summer, offering activities such as hands-on classes, group activities, and A & S displays, as well as classes and activities for children. At this event, classes try to focus on learning through hands-on activities in arts and crafts. In the evening there are bardic opportunities.
The West Kingdom Arts & Sciences Tourney is a weekend-long camping event held every Summer, offering activities such as hands-on classes, group activities, and A & S displays, as well as classes and activities for children. At this event, classes try to focus on learning through hands-on activities in arts and crafts. In the evening there are bardic opportunities.
Collegium Occidentalis consists of classes primarily taught in an indoor environment. It takes place once each year, currently in the Fall. It is a comprehensive day of teaching and learning the various arts and sciences within the kingdom.
Collegium Occidentalis consists of classes primarily taught in an indoor environment. It takes place once each year, currently in the Fall. It is a comprehensive day of teaching and learning the various arts and sciences within the kingdom.
In the annals of time, it was thought that it would be nice to have a venue to do classes that would lend themselves to being taught indoors rather than outdoors at the Arts and Sciences Tournament. Thus was born, Collegium Occidentalis in 1987. The Collegium Chancellor is a deputy to the Seneschal. Contact them directly if you wish to teach or know of a good venue. Everyone is welcome to teach what they know. Everyone is welcome to come learn.
In the annals of time, it was thought that it would be nice to have a venue to do classes that would lend themselves to being taught indoors rather than outdoors at the Arts and Sciences Tournament. Thus was born, Collegium Occidentalis in 1987. The Collegium Chancellor is a deputy to the Seneschal. Contact them directly if you wish to teach or know of a good venue. Everyone is welcome to teach what they know. Everyone is welcome to come learn.