Common Issues

Keep your Chromebook up to date! Shut it down at least every few days by clicking the Power Button in the menu (when you click the time located bottom right of your screen) or hold down the power button on the side of the keyboard until it shuts down. 

1. Meet/Drive Issues - Google has admitted to Meet and Drive having issues with dropping students/teachers, slowness, etc. This most likely has to do with how many people in the world are using the product. This is not something we can predict but a few things you can try are:

2. Chromecast Issues - this is the first time we are implementing this almost district-wide. It's not something you HAVE to do, it's just an option. Again, this is only as good as our internal network, which we are and have been working on. See notes below on the network. But you can:

3. Privacy Concerns with Recording Meets - Tip

4. Network Upgrade Notes

More Access Points are planned for more classrooms. Better Access Points are planned. New and improved switches (the things that take your internet traffic from your room and sends it to BOCES) are planned. This all takes a LOT of time but we are working on it. Unfortunately, our upgrades and the pandemic happened at the same time which held up the process (long story short). 

5. Google Meet Recordings - where did they go?

Make sure that you are the first one in the Meet. Turn it off in the Stream for students until you are ready. Being the first one ensures that you are the owner of the recording.

6. Meet Attendance - Tip - if you record your Meet, the chat is also recorded. So have the kids say Hi or Present after you hit record and voila, attendance is taken!

7. Sharing your screen/getting kicked out - update your Chromebook, uninstall extensions you don't need, uninstall extensions related to Meet