Walberta Park & Cherry Road


Welcome to Music at Walberta Park and Cherry Road Elementary School! Here's a little bit about what we'll be doing this year...

Elementary Classroom Music @ Westhill:

Here at Walberta Park and Cherry Road, our students sing, say, move, and play!

KINDERGARTEN-FIRST GRADE: Foundational Music Theory

          • Analyzing a diverse array of musical selections using musical language

          • Playing musical games to explore/apply our knowledge of musical concepts

          • Singing a varied repertoire of "silly songs" alone and with others

          • Moving our bodies to the music we hear

SECOND GRADE: Introduction to Musical Literacy

          • Reading/notating rhythms using musical symbols/notation

          • Composing/performing rhythms using musical symbols/notation

          • Decoding rhythms to perform on rhythmic instruments

          • Determining the names of notes on the staff

          • Decoding melodies to perform on melodic instruments

THIRD GRADE: Recorder Karate

          • Applying prior knowledge of musical literacy

          • Reading /performing a varied repertoire of increasingly challenging music

          • Exploring/applying the elements of performing instrumental music

(How musicians hold an instrument, hold their bodies, use their breath, follow a conductor, phrase sections of music, listen to those around them, break down a piece of music for practice purposes, etc.)

FOURTH GRADE: Music Appreciation, Music History, & Ukukele Studies

          • Weekly drum circles to share fun facts about ourselves through music

          • Analysis of a varied repertoire using the elements of music

          • Exploration of the history of The Beatles

          • Study and performance of the ukulele in classroom ensembles


          • Rehearsing/performing for Winter & Spring Concerts

          • Exploring/applying the elements of performing vocal music

(Singing posture, breath support, following a conductor, blend/balance, listening to those around you, uniform vowel sounds, crisp final consonants, bowing/gratitude for the audience, concert etiquette, etc.