

In this Module, you will work with the instructor to learn how to use the instructional technology tools and strategies you agreed upon in the previous Module. By the end of this Module, your lesson should be nearly ready to deploy with students. View the video to the right for an overview of this week's Module.

Teach Above The Line: Learn.webm

Student Responsibilities


In the previous learning module, you filled out a Google Form indicating which tools/strategies you would like to integrate into your HyperDoc. You also indicated what type of support you will need to make your lesson a success. In this learning module, you will leverage video tutorials, remote assistance, and/or face-to-face support to learn how your chosen instructional technology tools work. If you would like personalized support and have not yet heard from the instructor, please contact him ASAP:

Continue to create your HyperDoc as you learn how to leverage the tools and strategies you will integrate into your lesson. The instructor is available to collaborate with you in any of the following formats:

    • face-to-face meeting during the teacher's planning period (pending availability)
    • video conference/phone call (x4808)
    • custom screencast tutorials
    • links to instructional video tutorials via the Cheat Sheets posted in the previous module

Note: By the end of this learning module, your transformed lesson should be ready to deploy with students.


Complete the following on Google Classroom.

    • What instructional technology tools and strategies will you be leveraging to transform your lesson?
    • What method did you use to learn how to use the instructional technology tools you chose?
    • What is your comfort level in successfully implementing the instructional tools and strategies you chose?
    • What are some challenges you envision to achieving your goals?
    • Feel free to reply to another student's Note.