

In this Module, you will collaborate with the instructor to discuss opportunities to integrate meaningful instructional technology tools and strategies into your lesson. View the video to the right for an overview of this week's Module.

Teach Above the Line: Collaborate Overview.webm

Student Responsibilities


    • Continue the process of creating your HyperDoc (be sure to share it with the instructor). Look for feedback/suggestions/comments from the instructor as you work together to create your lesson and integrate a variety of instructional technology tools to make your lesson a success. Note: Building your HyperDoc will be a work in progress. It is my hope that your HyperDoc is "student-ready" by the end of this course, but you may continue to fine-tune your work at any time.
    • Review the above "Cheat Sheets" and select a variety of tools you would like to incorporate into your HyperDoc.
    • Complete this Google Form to identify which tools/strategies you will apply to your HyperDoc as well as a link to your work. When you submit a link to your HyperDoc, please be sure to set it so that "anyone with the link can view."


Complete the following on Google Classroom.

    • Evaluate the suggested tools and strategies you discussed with the instructor and identify which level of the SAMR Model is appropriate for your lesson transformation.
    • Share your decision about which instructional technology tools and strategies you will leverage to transform your lesson.
    • What are some challenges you envision to achieving your goals?
    • Feel free to reply to another student's Note.