
Welcome to Teach Above the Line, an online professional development course that introduces educators to the SAMR Model, a framework designed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura to help educators conceptualize meaningful instructional technology integration to transform teaching and learning. You will also be introduced to HyperDocs as a means for redesigning lessons with 21st-century pedagogies in mind.

Course Overview & Objectives

How to Use this Site

This course is divided into several Modules that will take you through a collaborative process by which you will transform a lesson plan through meaningful instructional technology integration based on the SAMR hierarchy and HyperDocs lesson design. You will share your lesson goals, work with an instructional technologist to transform your lesson through technology integration, learn how to leverage appropriate instructional technology tools and teaching strategies, deploy your lesson with your students, and reflect on the experience.

  • Successful completion of this course will result in the accrual of 6 Professional Development hours.
  • There are no face-to-face meetings--all course content will be available exclusively on Google Sites.
  • All course interactions will take place on Google Classroom.
  • See the Course Calendar for all due dates.


  • Assess existing lesson plans through the lens of the SAMR model
  • Learn and apply instructional strategies and tools that incorporate meaningful technology integration
  • Transform lessons through instructional technology integration and 21st-century pedagogies and reflect on instructional practice

Use the navigation links at the top of the page to access course content. Class discussions will take place on Google Classroom. An enrollment code to Google Classroom will be shared via email. All due dates are listed in the Course Calendar.

Watch This!

View the video below to learn how to navigate this site and participate in Google Classroom discussions.

Teach Above the Line Overview.webm


Course Calendar

There are several "Tasks" in this course that will be assessed as "complete" or "incomplete" with one point being awarded for each completed Task. For each Task, you must complete the assigned activity and share your thoughts and links to artifacts in Google Classroom.

Meet the Teacher

Rob Leo serves as the Coordinator for Instructional Technology Training at West Genesee Central Schools. Previously, he worked as the Model Schools Coordinator at the Central New York Regional Information Center. Prior to his career in education administration, Rob worked as a social studies teacher at West Genesee High School for thirteen years, a bilingual education teacher at Shea Middle School in the Syracuse City School District for a year, and an ESL teacher in Seoul, South Korea, for a year. Rob is a 1992 graduate of Binghamton University where he received a BA in economics. He is also a 1997 and 2009 graduate of LeMoyne College where he earned an MSEd in secondary education and education leadership, respectively. Follow Rob on Twitter: @rleowg or email him.