Google Slides


Have you ever wondered how you can use slide shows to convey information in the classroom?

Learn how Google Slides can support your instruction by helping you and your students create stunning multi-media presentations, digital stories, graphics, and interactive games that seamlessly integrate text, images, hyperlinks, video, and more.


  • Create and edit presentations
  • Edit a presentation with friends or coworkers, and share it with others
  • Download your presentations as a PDF, a PPT, or a .txt file
  • Insert images and videos into your presentation
  • Share your file with collaborators and viewers
  • Evaluate Google Slides as a cloud-based communication and collaboration tool


Please review the linked resources below and complete the tasks.


    • Create and edit a Google Slides presentation
    • Invite a colleague to collaborate on a presentation with you, giving them editing privileges
    • Insert images and videos into your presentation
    • Download your presentations as a PDF, a PPT, or a .txt file
    • Transform a lesson plan that integrates Google Slides in meaningful ways.


Complete the following on Google Classroom:

    • Share a link to your Google Slides presentation. Make sure your privacy settings allow anyone with the link to view your document.
    • Evaluate Google Slides as a teaching, learning, and presentation tool.
    • Share your thoughts on how you might use this with students or colleagues.