UDL for Cultivating Collaboration Among Students

As described in this module, working with others increases students’ involvement in their learning and can increase their critical thinking and communication skills. To adjust for students’ differing abilities to access the communication options in the LMS, provide collaboration alternatives in which you set up email or text groups (protect students' privacy with apps like GroupMe). Decide whether or not you would like to be included in these group communications. While many professors usually do not participate in the group project discussions occurring in the LMS, they can go there to check for activity or read the posts if a student expresses concerns about group interactions.

Besides providing for alternative communication methods for collaborating on the group project, you might also consider alternative projects that enable students to meet the course objectives. Invite students to share with you any barriers they run into as they are working on the group project for your course. Ask them to brainstorm reasonable alternatives with you to find a work-around that will still meet the course objectives. This is an excellent reminder to include the course objectives in your assignment (see Module 6 on TILTing your assignments for more information on this topic).