2024 WGMB - Information Below!!

If you are a new WG family/student, please reach out to Mr. Branch via email for information/registration (jason.branch@westg.org)

2024 WGMB Info Schedule and Forms.pdf

The WGMB is the largest student organization at West Geauga High School. The band consists of Brass, Woodwinds, Drumline, and Wolverettes, and the 2022 WGMB had close to 180 members!

The Band's pregame routine includes a long standing tradition of "Script West", and each halftime show includes unique and exciting field drill. The Band learns four shows throughout the season - two themed shows, a homecoming show, and a Senior show consisting of music voted on by the senior class.

Videos of all past shows can be found here! WGMB Videos

Recent performances include:

Past Show Themes have included:

The band performs at all WG football games, the county fair, local concerts, area band festivals, and many other places! Every season brings new and exciting performance opportunities, and we look forward to sharing our performances with audiences all over Ohio!