Kindergarten & Grade 1

Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year is for all children who are residents of Westfield reaching the age of 5 on or before October 1, 2024.  To register a 1st grader for the 2024-2025 school year, the child must be a resident of Westfield, reached the age of 6 on or before October 1, 2024, and have not yet attended the Westfield Public Schools.        

Detailed information about our Pre-K and Kindergarten Program can be found on the Lincoln School webpage.

Kindergarten is a half-day program with AM and PM sessions. The half-day program is supplemented with the Kindergarten Wrap Program.  

The Kindergarten Wrap lottery for the 2024-2025 school year will take place on Friday, March 1, 2024.  For more information and to learn more about important deadlines leading up to the Kindergarten Wrap lottery, CLICK HERE.

Registration Instructions

Step 1:  Download the following forms. The Health History and Consent forms are fillable PDFs for you to open, complete, and save. The Physical Exam and Immunization forms must be completed by your child's physician. Please refer to the FORMS page for full instructions.

Step 2:  Review required immunizations.

Step 3:  Prepare to upload copies of the following state-required documentation.  You will need to scan and save a copy of each document to the hard drive on your personal device before uploading during the Student Registration process.

Step 4:  Enter registration information online using our secure OPEN REGISTRATION system and upload forms/documentations in PDF format; the system will not accept JPGs.  Make sure to select the correct school year and correct school for which you are registering your child.  

IMPORTANT:  Please do not begin the registration process until you have the following documents ready to upload:  Child's Birth Certificate or Passport, two pieces of Proof of Residency, and Student Health History.  Please also make sure that the documents are legible before you upload them as our staff will need to print and easily read them.