Studio Overview

Why am I doing this project?

Well, the answer to this question is much more than just "to get English credit" - at least I hope so!

Have you ever thought about what you want to do for the rest of your life? Is it possible that your career can provide not only financial resources but also a source of passion and pride? It's crazy to think that you might even ENJOY your job!

Initially, you may be undertaking this project to get credit and graduate, but I hope that you also use it as an opportunity to dream about your future, choose a potential career, and develop a feasible plan of how to achieve your goals.

What credits do I get for this project?

Upon the completion of this project, you will receive both English 12A and 12B.

What does this project entail?

The complete project includes reading tasks, discussions, a paper, and a presentation.

Reading Tasks

The reading that accompanies this project is designed to be a model for your writing. In order to write a great memoir, you should look at multiple examples of memoirs first.


We will have multiple discussions about the career plans that you develop and your reasons for those plans. This will help prepare you for the presentation.

The Paper

Warning: it is a long paper. Don't freak out just yet! We will work on the paper in parts and then at the end compile them into one document. So, if this seems overwhelming, just take it one part at a time. Your paper will have each of these sections listed below:

  • Introduction - one paragraph complete with hook, context, and thesis statement

  • Memoir - a narrative about something that you overcame in your life and what skills that story demonstrates

  • Career Chart - this is a chart that shows your research on two possible careers

  • Argument - an essay that expresses the one career that you chose and argues why that is a good choice for you

  • Career Plan - an explanation of exactly how you will become the professional you desire, including education, finances, etc.

  • Conclusion - briefly summarize the entire paper and share what you learned during the process of writing this paper

  • Works Cited - a list in MLA format of the research sources you used

The Presentation

Once you have finished your paper and received feedback, then you will begin preparing to present your findings. First, you will create a powerpoint presentation with your findings. Upon approval, you will present your findings to a panel of two staff members of Central Academy. This is a pass/fail type grade, but can also count for one of your speeches that goes toward your speech credit.