From March 19th until Spring Break (aside from weekends of course):

  • Students will need daily access to a computer, laptop, or tablet. Tablet users should have an external keyboard for any activities that require typing (composing essays, practicing Typing Pal, etc.)
  • Students should to log into Google Classroom [classroom.google.com] every morning using their Wesley School email addresses, where they will find activities and assignments for all 4th grade academics as well as specialist classes. They may also wish to open another browser tab for their gmail.

What you can expect from the 4th grade teachers:

  • We will be online every day during school hours to respond to emails and questions posed in the Google Classroom stream as quickly as possible.
  • Every afternoon we will send an email to 4th grade families with reminders and announcements about what to expect the next day.
  • We will do our best to adapt to this new and temporary way of teaching in a way that provides meaningful instruction.

To our students

  • Your teachers care about you and miss you
  • Do your best, and the best will happen!
  • Your teachers want to help you as much as we can. However, we also want you to continue building your skills as an independent and resilient learner. If you're confused or having trouble with something, please...
    1. Re-read the directions or the questions more than once.
    2. Use resources at hand (like dictionary.com, reference books at home) to figure things out before asking or giving up.
    3. Skip whatever you are having trouble with in the moment, finish the rest of the assignment, and come back to it later.
  • Everyone will work at a different pace. That's ok. In fact, a "silver lining" of distance learning is that you can determine how much time you spend on any particular assignment. If you finish Math quickly but need more time for Writing, awesome. You are in charge of your time management.
    • Having said that, if all the activities from all classes (this includes specials like PE, Music, Art, etc.) take you more than 3.5 hours a day to complete, feel free to take a break and/or save some work for the next day.
  • We've talked about the appropriate use of technology at school, and the same rules apply at home. Remember that Google Classroom is a learning tool.
  • Please please please follow your grownups' instructions when it comes to keeping yourself healthy. Remember, young people such as yourselves aren't often affected seriously by COVID, but you can carry it and infect someone who is vulnerable. It may be difficult for many of you to have such little contact with your friends and classmates. Perhaps some of you are relishing the opportunity to have some "alone time". Whatever it may be, make sure you..
    • Wash your hands thoroughly several times a day
    • Cover your mouth COMPLETELY when sneezing or coughing (some of you have to work on this!)
    • Stay 2 arm-lengths away from people outside your immediate family whenever possible
    • GET OUTSIDE IN THE SUN AND PLAY. Shoot some hoops, walk your dog, whatever floats your boat. The current situation with the Corona virus does NOT mean you can't go outside. In fact, research suggests that fresh air and sunshine can inhibit the spread of viruses (as long as you aren't in a crowd of people).

We are all doing to do our best to make the next two weeks fun and productive, and we can't wait to see you all back in the classroom after Spring Break!

Specialist Teachers Links and Pages.