Sessions and Costs

 Sessions and costs

Sessions - check these

Breakfast club:               7:45am - 8:45am  £7.50

Morning session:           8.45am – 1p £25.50

Afternoon session:        1pm – 3.15pm   £13.50

Wrap around session:   3:15 - 4:15     £7

Wrap around session 4:15pm - 6pm   £ 15

Full day:                           8.45am – 3.15pm     £39 

We offer fully flexible provision and you may book a range of sessions to fit your needs. A minimum of 2 sessions or 1 full day per week is required. You can top up your child’s day using our Wraparound provision. As we are a school based nursery, we are term time only and follow the terms of Welton Primary School.

Changing sessions

Please let us know in advance of any change in sessions. we ask for a minimum of a terms notice for changes or if you choose to leave. 



Fees are charged termly. We accept funded hours for both 2 year and 3 year children. We accept funding for hours within the school day of 8:45 and 3:15 outside of these hours are subject to payment as above. 

Please be aware that funding starts the term AFTER your child's birthday. 


As of April 2024 2year old children will be able to get funding if your family fit certain criteria. The Government have released the new funding in stages. The first stage is April 2024 which enables eligible familys to access 15 hours of funding to use at childcare providers. This funding will be available the term AFTER the child turns two and needs to be applied for BEFORE the term starts. The Deadline dates are 31st March, 31st August and the 31st December. 

For more information please look at and to check availabilty. ( Opens 1st January 2024).