Welcome to the Welton Nursery

 Learning and playing together

Welcome to our Nursery

Our nursery is perfectly positioned inside the grounds of Welton Primary school. We are in the purpose built building with a newly renovated garden area adjoining as well as the use of the rest of the school grounds. We offer a wide range of exciting activities that are planned around the children's unique interests and needs. 

Nursery is the exciting foundation year for your child's journey in education. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework, and your child's activities are closely matched to their learning needs.


 Key news and updates:

We aim to have our floor book with all the pictures of our learning on display outside of nursery in our new notice board for you to see so please come and have a look. We are always here to talk to you about your child's day and development please ask to speak to your key worker at drop off and collection. 

We will be planning an end of term discussion about your child's development in July. If you wish to speak to your key worker please let us know. 


Please make sure your child comes to nursery with everything they will need for the day. Spare clothes, coat and wellies if you have them and suncream. For those in nappies at least 3 provided each day and wipes as we do not have these spare and if not provided we will have to call you to bring them in. 


Please make sure your children's lunches comply with our lunch box policy which can be found on the website and that they contain no nuts as ingredients or whole also grapes and similarly sized foods are cut in half or quarters.

Key People

All children have been assigned a key worker if you are unsure as to who your child's key worker is please come and ask, it may not be the same as any siblings also at nursery. Over the last 2 weeks we have been sending a slip with your childs key worker written on it so please check bags if you are unsure. 


As of April 2024 2year old children will be able to get funding if your family fit certain criteria. The Government has released the new funding pledge in stages. The first stage is April 2024 which enables eligible families to access 15 hours of funding to use at childcare providers. This funding will be available the term AFTER the child turns two and needs to be applied for BEFORE the term starts. The Deadline dates for 3 year old 30 hour funding and 2 year 15 hour funding are 31st March, 31st August and the 31st December. 

For more information please look at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk and to check eligibility.  

Please note that the hours you book your child in for at the start of term are what the setting will claim for. Any unused hours a week that are not booked in are lost and cannot be used for adhoc days. Any additional days will be charged as we are unable to claim funding for these. 

Please see the BANES website for more details or speak to Emily. 

Polite reminder

During school drop off and collection times (8:30- 9:15 and 3:00 - 3:30) the car park can only be used for children being dropped off that are in reception class and above. The car park cannot be used for nursery parents as it is dangerous with so many children on the premises. 

Please use the safer route to school at Valley walk. 

Take a look at our yearly overview and see what we will be learning each term.

Term 1:  Handas surprise is our focus book this term. We have planned a range of different activities around the story such as; fruit tasting, story making, different environments and noticing similarities and differences in our environment and ourselves. We are also going to explore the work of Frida Kahlo who enjoyed painting fruit and we will be painting our own interpretation of her work. 

Term 2: Festivals! Term 2's focus is festivals, we will look at Samhein the Pagan Festival celebrating harvest and the changing of the seasons. We will explore the Dia De Los Muertos other wise known as The Day of the Dead and think about the people we miss and do not see anymore. As the term progresses we will learn about Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita before finishing the term with the story of Stick Man and Christmas!  

Term 3: This term we will be looking at the Billy Goats Gruff story. We will be reading the story, drawing our own story maps and acting the story out to develop recollection. We will also be exploring the scientific and engineering principles of building bridges, making our own and exploring bridges in our local environment. We will also be exploring mathematical concepts around size and weight and link this to our focus story. 

Term 4: This term we are looking at the book We're Going on a Bear Hunt. We will be learning the story, acting it out and exploring Bear Hunt yoga. We will also be looking at the festivals of Holi and Easter. We will also be turning our role play area into a cafe and baking some tasty treats. 

Term 5: This term will center around The Hungry Caterpillar. We will be exploring life cycles of different animals such as frogs and butterfly's by going down to the pond area and following some Caterpillar larvae to butterflies changes in nursery. 

Term 6: This term we will be looking at The Three Little Pigs. We have lots of exciting activities planned for the last term of the school year that will engage the children's interests. 

27th June 2024

This week we are looking at emotions and how they can make our bodies feel physically. We have opened up opportunities for the children to think and discuss their thoughts on their own emotions. We have though about our story and how the different characters may have felt and what we can do if we feel that way sometimes. The children thought that they could tell a grown up or find a friend to help them. We discussed how being scared can make us feel, like the pigs, one child said " it can make our hearts beat really fast". We also thought about the wolf and how he is all on his own unlike the pigs who have each other. We talked about how the wolf may have wanted to be friends but became upset and made a sad choice to blow the house's down. This changed the way the children thought about the characters and we wondered about how different the story could have been if the pigs had been kinder to the wolf. 

Giving different perspectives can open up thought processes that children can use in their own lives and relationships. 

21st June 2024

This week we have been using masks and our newly converted home corner to role play our story. The children have loved taking on a role, the most popular one being the big bad wolf! The children have really engaged with this terms story and they have amazing recall. Why not ask your child their favourite part of the story? Is it when the wolf blows down the houses or when he burns his bottom in the hot water? 

We apologize for the lack of photos this week we are having some IT issues, we hope ti have the problem solved soon and the photos added. 

14th June 2024

This week we have continued our exploration on the Three Little Pigs story. We are starting to change our role play area into the world of the three little pigs. We began by making some walls of straw using hay, paper and glue. This has made a lovely tacktile wall to touch and explore. we will be adding to this over the whole term to engage the childrens interest in role play.  

We have also looked at healthy things to eat and things that we do not eat as often. We have been chopping up our own fruit for fruit kebabs and using some wooden sticks to put it all onto. This was a little trickier than our normal threading activities. Some of the children decided to use the play dough to set up their own cake shop. An adult asked if these cakes were something we should eat often and the response was "well they are healthy because they have cherries on the top and you only get one!"

We have also looked at repeating patterns using our bodies, clapping and stamping our feel to make a tune. In the garden we had music and by using the coloured ribbons we were exercising and building up the muscles needed to start writing when we are ready. 

Chopping up fruit for the kebabs 

Making some play dough cakes 

Dancing to music 

7th June 2024

This week we have started our new story The Three Little Pigs. We have used character spoons in our tuff tray to explore the story, alongside hay, sticks and bricks. We used these materials to build structures, the hay was very difficult to use! After reading the story at circle time the children helped to create a story map before having a go at drawing their own. Story maps really help children to gain understanding of the way stories are laid our with the start, middle and end. 

This week has also seen world ocean day. We explored this by categorizing different materials by what they are made up of and how we can recycle them. We looked at soft plastics, cardboard and plastic pots. The children were all very good at looking at the make up of the rubbish and deciding to recycle. We furthered this by adding some into the water tray. The children used tweezers to rescue the plastic from the water to protect the animals. 

The Three Little Pigs story tray 

Story maps 

Testing out our abilities, climbing trees. 

24th May 2024

This week we have been exploring the STEM building set and the children made themselves and aeroplane to fly on holiday. They then took this further and used multiple different resources to make themselves a den. They used crates, material, building blocks and team work to make their masterpeice. Please look in our floor book next term to see the finished result. 

We have also been exploring the use of dry sand in a shallow tray. The children used their fingers to make marks in the sand, this then progressed to some children writing the letters of their name. 

Have a look at the other things we have been up to this week. Further pictures and information is in our floor book. If you would like to see it please ask a member of staff and we can get it out of the notice board for you. 

Watching as the water falls down the gutters. 

Planting out our Sweet corn plants 

Large scale mark making

13th May 2024

This week has been a super busy one!

We have been exploring some natural playdough and herbs. We used our senses to explore with touch, smell  and the look of the herbs. Some of the children made pizzas, forests and shapes using just our hands and scissors. 

Our butterflies have now hatched out of their chrysalis' we have been amazed by their transformation. All of the children were excited to see them finally fly as we set them free on Friday but they did need quite a lot of encouragement. I think they enjoyed their time with us! 

The end of this week has been focused on sports day. We were lucky enough to be visited by Jolly Jumpers who brought their bouncy castle to the school field for the whole school to enjoy. 

The children did amazingly well taking part in sports day and completed 3 races, sprint, bean bag balance and sack race. We all enjoyed our ice lollies to cool down. 

Bouncy Castle fun

Saying goodbye to our butterflies

Using our senses with herbs and playdough. 

8th May 2024

This week we have been testing our balancing and gross motor skills. We have set up balancing beams that are different heights to see if we can move across them without falling off. We remembered to hold out our arms to help us and to move slowly and purposefully. 

We have also been exploring our low technology with water play. Pouring, scooping, filling and emptying containers are all great ways to explore mathematical concepts and scientific principles. We also loved making our water tray into a habitat for our water role play animals. 

We have used some cars to make marks in paint outside. Bringing the activity outside meant that we were able to use our whole bodies to make marks on a large scale which is great for building muscles and developing out mark making abilities. 

Our Caterpillars have now transformed themselves into Chrysalis'. This has been an exciting development and really has helped to bring our story to life to see the changes in person. Keep an eye out and ask your child to keep up to date with their progress!

Pouring, filling and emptying.

Making marks with a range of resources. 

Extending the water play by adding appropriate animals to engage in small world role play. 

3rd May 2024

This week we have watched with excitement as our caterpillars have grown to an enormous size and start to make their transition to chrysalis'. 

We have used the threading beads to make our own caterpillars and we looked at repeating patterns. We have also been making some butterfly pictures using some old uneaten apples cut in half, we looked at the symmetry and the shapes that were made using the apples. 

We have also explored mixing different media together and the effects that we can see, smell and feel. 

We also enjoyed taking part in some parachute games outside in the sunshine. 

Using left over apples to make prints similar to butterflys 

Mixing media 

Parachute games 

25th April 2024

This week we started off by learning about World Earth day. We used blue and green paint to make a hand collage of the Earth, with the title 'Small hands can change the world'. This statement is so true, we talk with the children regularly about helping one another and other animals/ insects we come across. We talk about recycling and making sure we do not drop rubbish on the floor and we plant seeds and tend to plants, all of which support our planet. 

We have also continued our interest in The Hungry Caterpillar. We have been watching our caterpillars carefully and they have really grown in size! We have been looking at the words caterpillar and butterfly and the amazing changes they go through in the cocoon. The children have been very interested in making dens this week and the idea of enclosure so we have made plenty of hiding spaces in nursery. We would love to see any dens made at home and share them at circle times. Please email the office with any pictures. 

Our growing caterpillars 

Looking at how a caterpillar body looks and moves.

Exploring and writing the words 

18th April 2024

This week we have started our new story, The Hungry Caterpillar. As many of the children already know this story well we have already been making our story maps and thinking about the life cycle of the butterfly. Our caterpillars have also arrived and we are very excited to watch them grow, ask your child about them that are very exciting!

We have also been exploring our fruit and veg stall role play area, looking at shopping lists and what we like to buy when we are out with our mummy's and daddy's. 

We got the opportunity to visit the pond this week. We used the nets to scoop in the water and see what creatures we could find. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful this time but we will keep popping back to see if we can find any frogs or frogspawn. 

Role play fruit and veg shop

Testing out our new water container with tap.

Using playdough to make catapillars. 

28th March 2024

This week we have been exploring Easter. We have been down on the field finding some different spring time flowers and grass to use to make decorated eggs. We have also been using different tools to make marks, we used forks in paint to make makes on card for Easter cards - we hope you liked them!

We have also been getting messy with paint, soil/sand and shaving foam. This opened up lots of opportunity for exploration, discussions and experimenting with different media and textures. 

Have a lovely Easter holiday and we will see you on 15th April. 

Copying numbers and knowing their value.

Sensory exploration 

Easter crafts using different tools

21st March 2024

This week has been about exploring the festival of Holi. We have looked at what the festival is about and had a go at the tradition of throwing powder paint down on the school field. We have listened to music and had a go at the dances too. 

We have been practising our scissor skills on card, paper and playdough. 

We have also been embracing the spring sunshine with lots of water play, gardening,  and parachute games. 

Parachute Games 

Shape recognition and sorting 

Scissor Skills using playdough

15th March 2024

This week is STEM week at school, we have been doing our own experiments linked to time, our focus story and seasons. 

We have been experimenting with shaving foam, water and food colouring to see how clouds work and watching the 'rain' falling through to the water. We have also been experimenting with ice. We used bowls of warm water, cold water, salt and nothing to test if our hypotheses were correct. The children thought that warm water and salt would melt the fastest as they put salt on the roads when it is cold. We were half right the warm water did melt it fastest but we noticed the water got cold very quickly! 

Cloud science - making it rain

Revealing invisible pictures using wax candles 

Exploring the spring changes and loose parts on the school field

7th March 2024 

This week we have been exploring a range of different interests. We have found ice in the garden that sparked discussions about its formation, the feel of it and what shapes are made when it breaks. "I found a triangle". 

We have also been down to the school field and found lots of different plants starting to grow. Kirsty then provided us with some fresh cut flowers to explore further. We used scissors to cut them, wax crayons to make marks through paper, soil to make arrangements and paper and glue to make some pictures. What a lot of learning! 

Flower aranging

Making pictures

Ice play 

29th February 2024

This week we have been using our knowlege of our story to act it out and make story maps. The children are so good at retelling the story now why not ask your child what their favourite part is?

We have also been exploring the water and the children made their own puddles on the floor to splash in. 

The children have been getting into role play this week with the home corner now transformed from a hair dressers to a cafe. The children have been looking at recipe books and 'Cooking' delicious treats for their friends. 

Small world tray

Making their own puddles to splash in

22nd February 2024

This week we have introduced a new story for this term which is 'We're going on a bear hunt' by Micheal Rosen. We have started to act out the book and we have been exploring some sensory activities linked to the book. We have had some squelchy mud made out of cornflour, paint and water and the rain has helped us make a river to splash in, in our garden. 

We have also been out exploring the start of spring both on site and walking out and about. We have found some daffodils, snowdrops and some buds on the trees. We also found some puddles to splash in and some mud to stomp in as well. 

Exploring the gloop

Finding signs of spring

"Look! fluffy buds on this stick"

9th February 2024

This week have been exploring the colour red and the links it has to festivals and celebration days. We have look at Valentines day, mixing colours red and white to make pink water, exploring petals and shapes making a big shared piece of artwork. 

We have also been looking at Chinese new year or Lunar New Year. The colour red is considered lucky so we have explored red coloured rice, chop sticks and noodles as well as the Dragon/Lion dances. We have made our own Lion costume and had a go at dancing to the music. 

Chinese New Year

Printing with different materials

Colour mixing with water

2nd January 2024

This week we have been thinking about the troll and trying to look at the story from a different perspective. We visited a near by bridge that we could walk underneath. We thought of some good describing words such as: "dark, wet and cold". We have been thinking about how this would make the troll feel to live somewhere like that. We thought about our own homes and how they are warm and light. We also thought about how the Billy Goats could help the troll and show kindness to make him happier and what makes us happy. 

We have also been using the blocks to make a home for the troll that would be nicer than under the bridge. 

26th January 2024

This week we have exploring loose parts and prepositions. We have explored under, over and through using the gutters and frames and made dens, hideaways and even made an aeroplane! 

We have used the playdough with out tools using shells instead to make marks and expand our creativity. 

On Thursday we went down to the nest to have some outdoor learning, we used our bodies to climb and slide and toasted crumpets on the fire. 

Friday we joined in with Eco week. We used the litter pickers squeezing with our hands to pick up the recycling and sort it out. We spoke about how we can keep our planet clean and tidy as well as what can be recycled. 

19th January 2024

This week we have continued our exploration of the Billy Goats Gruff. We have practiced our scissor skills and made masks using string to make beards for our goats, been out on a walk to find some bridges which was very exciting although we didn't find any trolls! We did find bridges made out of different materials, some were made out of wood, some out of stone and the biggest one of all was made out of metal and had cars instead of water underneath it. 

We have also been excited to see ice again this week; we have made ice sun catchers by leaving water and other natural materials in plates of water and hanging them up in the garden, we have used sticks and our hands to make marks on different surfaces in the school grounds and found some very crunchy grass on the school field that had changed from green to white it was so frosty. 

Making marks using sticks on the frost covered wood. 

Crunchy white grass that sparkles in the sunshine. 

Our hanging sun catchers made of ice and natural materials. 

12th January 2024

This week we have started looking at our new focus story of The Billy Goats Gruff. We have listened to the story and made our own story maps to re tell the story. The children have loved exploring the concept of bridges and already brought the theme to their small world play and their role play outside, taking it in turns to be the troll. 

We have also explored some ice that we had to use hammers and tools to free the dinosaurs as well as hair dressers restlying the hair in the tuff tray. 

15th December 2023

This week we have been following the children's interests in small world. The children showed an interest in the Train track in particular so we extended that interest by adding a sensory element with snow made from cornflour. There has also been plenty of christmas activities from jar lanterns to mince pie making. 

If your child will be using the 30 hour funding from January please make sure your code is valid and been applied for by the 31st December 2023. We will need your code by the 3rd January to process it.  For more information please look at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk and to check availability. ( Opens 1st January 2024). 

11th December 2023

This week we have been exploring loose parts for construction. The children have embraced the open ended resources and used their imagination and ingenuity to  make all sorts of things from music shakers to binoculars and goggles!

After exploring the frost outside last week we made some ice for inside. We froze some paint in ice cube trays with sticks and used them to make marks on different paper and ourselves. It was great fun to use the ice and opened up area for discussion such as the colours mixing together and changing to why and how the ice was melting and changing.  Using phrases such as "I wonder why or I wonder how" can really help children with deeper thinking and enhance discussions. 

1st December 2023

This week we have started our Christmas exploration. We have been wrapping boxes in our role play elf workshop and decorated our Christmas tree with loose parts - it looks beautiful! We have also been looking at rhyming words that we have been finding in our focus book Stickman. The frost was an amazing learning opportunity. We examined closely the form it makes on leaves, the feel of it and how we can make it change back into water using our breath. 

24th November 2023

This week we have started to look at the story of Stick Man, we had a discussion about how Stick man might feel and how kindness is a theme throughout the book. We talked about how we can be kind and the children came up with some ideas of things they think are kind. 

We have also been down to the nest to have an outdoor learning session, we toasted crumpets on the fire, explored the muddy bank and tested out abilities as well as using sticks and leaves to make a leaf kebab. 

Please see our new notice board outside the nursery for more pictures of what we have been exploring. 

Exploring the winter sensory tray 

Using our bodies to go up and down the slope.

16th November 2023

This week we have been exploring Diwali. We have been listening to the story of Rama and Sita and thinking about how the Monkey king was kind to help them. 

We have also been exploring lots of different activities related to Diwali, Curry scented playdough, making tea light holders out of salt dough and Rangoli patterns. 

We have also been out and about this time to the local library to look at some different books and to look at our local built up environment. 

10th November 2023

 This week we have been exploring fireworks and bonfires. We explored the sounds and look of fireworks and recalled if we have seen them recently. We have been out an about a couple of times this week. Monday we went to find sticks to create our bonfire pictures and then on Thursday we went out and found some amazing puddles in the fields. We also compared different natural objects that we found on the way and used our mathematical language to describe them. "My stick is bigger than me!" , "my stick is little". 

Friday we have been looking and learning about Remembrance Day. We watched a cartoon that is very good for young children to help them understand the importance of the poppy. 

Ask your nursery child if they can remember why we wear them. 

2nd November 2023

This week we have been exploring Dia De Los Muertos otherwise known as the day of the dead. We have spoken about people we do not see anymore and made a brightly coloured collage using different materials to celebrate. 

We have also been making potions, mixing different media and seeing what happens. We mixed colours to see changes and added some smelly herbs to add to the sensory experience.  

The children have been really into making marks this week so we have set up an area where they could paint on a vertical surface which helps to build shoulder strength in preparation for early writing. 

20th October 2023

This week we have been exploring some autumn themed books Room on the Broom and Pumpkin soup. We have enjoyed the sensory experience of mixing the different media such as noodles and rice and scooping out the pumpkins. 

We have been testing out our fine motor skills too by using scissors to cut playdough and tweezers to save the bugs from a big spider web. As well as enjoying the changing weather - we do love a bit of rain!! 

13th October 2023

This week we have been continuing our exploration of all things Autumn. We have been painting with leaves, making repeating patterns with sticks, conkers and leaves as well as exploring the muddy banks and pond area. 

We have been off site again this time we walked to a park to test out our physical skills; balancing, jumping on the trampoline and being aware of keeping ourselves safe on equipment. We had a great time and had a picnic snack too.  

5th October 2023

This week we have been exploring autumn, we have been exploring the leaves falling from the trees and finding conkers around the school. We have used hammers to open the shells to reveal the conker seed and then put them in paint to make pictures. 

We have been out and about exploring our natural environment again this week. At the river we tested our own scientific hypotheses about what items would float and sink. The children correctly identified that the stones would sink and leaves would float. The children then took this further and and experimented with pinecones and sticks as well as different sized leaves.

As an added treat we also found some alpacas in one of the fields close to school. Very exciting for all! 

29th September 2023

This week we have been exploring different music that originates from Africa. We listened closely to the sounds we could hear, we heard drums and animal sounds. We had a go at making our own music using the drums and some other wooden instruments. 

We have also been out for a walk this week. We were looking for different plants that are around at this time of year. We found some blackberries and looked at the way the are shaped and colours and some acorns. We were also lucky enough to find two pigs on our travels!

22nd September 2023

This week we have been exploring the work of Frida Kahlo, an artist that painted fruit she had at home. We have taken inspiration from this and made our own fruit pictures. We have looked at the shapes and colours of our fruits and lots of the children were able to label these. 

We have continued to look at the story of Handas surprise and the children have been making their own story maps to retell the story to their friends. 

The Weather on Wednesday was perfect for exploring water play and discussing weather changes. Please remember we take the children outside in all weathers so we need waterproof coats and plenty of spare changes of clothes everyday. If you have wellies these would also be great to have on wet days. 

15th September 2023 

Welcome to all of our new nursery children who are starting with us over the coming weeks and welcome back to our returning children. 

This term we are exploring the story of Handas Surprise. we have been looking at similarities and differences we have spotted in the book. The children have noticed that Handa carries the fruit on her head and not in bags and this has opened discussions about other differences in our daily lives compared to the book. 

We have also been trying new fruits from the story this week is mango, we looked at the outside, inside and the stone in the middle as well as talking about touch, smell and feel of it. We will be trying a different fruit each week.  

 Meet our wonderful team.

Hi I am Emily and I am the nursery Leader here at Welton Primary School. I have worked in nurseries for the last 17 years and I have a BA Hons degree in Early Years and Sociology and a Post Graduate Certificate in Early Years. I have two children of my own. I am in nursery everyday. 

Hi I am Kirsty I have worked here at the nursery before the school took it over. I have my Level 3 in Early Years and currently studying for my foundation degree in Early years. I have two children of my own. I am in nursery on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Hi I am Dolly but I am also known as Kirsten. I have a level 3 in early years and I have been  working in child care for the last 6 Years. I have twin boys and I also run my own Dance school. I am in nursery everyday.