How can I help prepare my child for Nursery?

Supporting your child's learning at home

Play with them! Get down on their level and look at what they are interested in. Let your child lead the play - and try not to interrupt them

Read stories, and keep re-reading favourites so your child can join in.

Counting at any opportunity - counting steps, counting pieces of pasta when you're cooking.

Recognising some letters in their name - look at road signs, house names and in books. 

Supporting their independence by potty training (when the time is right), teaching them to dress themselves, put their own shoes on, take themselves to the toilet independently.

What to bring:

Please can all children come to nursery with at least one spare set of clothing including underwear and socks everyday. As a nursery we plan lots of messy activities and water play so more are often needed. 

If your child is in nappies we ask for a minimum of two supplied a day but three is best please as we do not have spares onsite.

If you have wellies and water proofs at home please send these even in dry weather as it can save clothes during water play. 

Water bottles can be brought to nursery containing water only. We offer cup of milk and water at meal times. 

Lunch boxes, we have lunch at 12pm if your child is here at that time then you either need to supply a lunch box or order a school meal through Parentpay. Please see our school lunch box policy for what to pack - no nuts!