Welcome to Robin Class
Welcome to Robin Class. We are very excited to begin our learning, in Year 1, with you all. Please come back regularly to find out what your children are learning about and what they have been up to each week as a Robin.
Term 6 Starts - Monday 3rd June
Trip to Chew Valley Animal Park- Wednesday 5th June
Trip to Root Connections - Wednesday 26th June
End of Term 6 - Friday 19th July
Take a look at our yearly overview and see what we will be learning each term . This is a working document and subject to change.
Weekly updates
19th July
Olympic Sports Week - what a fanatastic way to end our school year! This week we have been trying out lots of sports that will be part of the Olympic games. We have tried hockey, long jump, breakdancing, discus, gymnastics and many more. We have also learned more about badminton, created Olympic torches and even had a message from a Paralympian competing at the 2024 Games! It was lots of fun!
Thank you so much for your continued support with your child's learning this year. Have a lovely summer holiday!
w/c 8th July
What a great penultimate week in Robin class. We've explored money, created art in the style of Seurat and learnt more about Hong Kong and Lamma island. We cannot wait for sports' week next week!
1st July
In maths this week we have been thinking about the place value in numbers to 100. We have made numbers with Base 10 equipment and identified how many tens and ones they have. We have been comparing two digit numbers in order to work out which is the greater number.
28th June
This week we had a wonderful time on our trip to Root Connections. We went for a walk in the woods, over the stream, exploring the area and collecting 'treasure'! Later we made maps of our journey and used the treasure as signposts on the map. We also looked at the various herbs, fruit and vegetables that they grow there, and picked some to bring home.
21st June
We have been learning all about position and direction in maths this week. We have used the words left, right, forwards, backwards, above and below to describe the position of an object and to give directions. We have also described whether we have turned a whole turn, half a turn or a quarter of a turn. Any practise of this, that you do with your child at home, would be greatly appreciated.
14th June
This week, in science, we have been naming parts of our bodies, such as neck, elbow, knees, ankles. We drew around our partners and then labelled the diagrams.
In DT, we have started our learning about textiles. We have been investigating different ways to join fabrics - sewing, pinning, stapling and gluing.
7th June
Wow! What a fantastic start to Term 6. Robin class have been so busy learning all about halving, finding out about Hong Kong and thinking about living things in Science. Not only this, we were fortunate to visit Chew Valley Animal Park on Wednesday. Children had a fantastic time exploring and learning about animals and their habitats. They also got to hold so many different animals - even a mouse! We were so proud of their attitude throughout the visit - they certainly did us proud.
As always, keep reading at and doing Doodle at home! This is so important for your children. :)
24th May
This week we have been learning to tell the time. We have been learning o'clock times and half past times. We also made our own clocks so that we can practise at home!
17th May
Robin class love sports day! We have had a wonderful day taking part in sports' day today. We enjoyed participating in all of the Bath Rugby events this morning and getting our go on the bouncy castle. We then had lunch with our parents and finished the afternoon with some races. We were so proud of all of Robin class and their efforts today! What sporting superstars. Have a lovely weekend :)
13th May
This week Robin Class will be bringing home their sunflower seedlings. We have talked about what they will need to survive to become healthy, giant sunflowers. We would love to see some photos of them when they do!
3rd May
This week, in maths, we have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We counted on a 50/100 square and looked at the pattern in the numbers. We used tens frames to count in 10s and were very confident. To count in 5s we counted how many fingers we were holding out. Any practise of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s that you can do at home would be greatly appreciated!
26th April
This week we have spent a lot of time talking about plants, looking at seeds and identifying flowers and trees in our school grounds. We have found tulips, daffodils, daisies and dandelions, as well as apple and pear trees. We have planted some sunflower seeds and are looking after them very carefully. On your journey to and from school it would be great if you could continue to identify some common plants.
Term 5 - 19th April
What a brilliant first week back! We've been looking at mass in Maths, beginning to write code in computing and even tried apple and honey as part of our learning around Rosh Hashana in RE. The children have settled in nicely and we look forward to seeing you all at Parents' Evening next week. As always, keep up the Doodle and reading - it's so valuable. Thank you
28th March
Robin class ended the term on a real high this week. On Monday, we were visited by the Earth Science Centre who came in to talk about fossils and bring some real fossils in for children to see. It was fascinating looking at lots of different fossils: ammonites and Trilobites which were over 250 million years old. The children loved exploring these and then they had a go at creating their own out of clay! We then read a story about Mary Anning before learning how a fossil is made. To test their knowledge, you could ask them about what a fossil is made out of, or even what word starts with 'u' that tells when a fossil comes to the surface and the one that starts with 'e' around when the cliff face begins to break away.
As always, we are so proud of our Robins. Have a great break - please continue to keep reading over Easter.
Thank you for your continued support. :)
22nd March
Over the last few weeks, in maths, we have been thinking about numbers to 50 and their place value. We have been making the numbers using tens frames, bead strings and base 10 equipment, and counting how many tens and how many ones they have. We have also been placing these numbers on a number line and finding one more and one less.
Any time you can spend at home, helping your child count forwards and backwards between 0 and 50, and to find one more and one less than a given number would be wonderful.
15th March
What a fantastic STEM week we have had! On Tuesday we worked in house groups to build the tallest tower we could, which could hold up a can for 10 seconds. We had some very tall, wobbly towers and some slightly smaller, more sturdy towers. Well done everyone, you worked brilliantly with people from all year groups and thought very carefully about how to construct your towers.
In Robin Class, we have been investigating floating and sinking. We have been building boats and testing how many small elephants they could hold. Thank you to everyone who attended our STEM fayre and to Robin Class who lead our stall so sensibly.
8th March
On Thursday we had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day! Robin Class looked amazing in their adjectives costumes and could explain what they had dressed up as. Throughout the day we took part in a book swap, and did some paired reading with Year 5. Thank you to everyone who came in to read with us in the afternoon.
In case you haven't found the QR code for our Jack and the Beanstalk video, here it is!
1st March
In art this term we are learning about sculpture and 3D art. This week we have been creating our own 3D artwork by rolling coloured paper tubes and shaping paper strips into zigzags and spirals. We thought carefully about how we wanted to arrange our creations to make them vibrant, imaginative and unique.
23rd February
It has been wonderful to see so many members of Robin Class engaging with reading this week, and being very keen to read at least 4 times to an adult. We will be checking the reading records, for our challenge, every Monday.
This week would like you to send us the photos! We would like to update our reading display with photos of the class reading at home. If you have a photo we could use, please either send in a paper copy or email it to the office. Many thanks.
Term 4 Reading Challenge
In the term when we will be celebrating World Book Day, we would like to set Robin Class a reading challenge!
If you read to an adult on 4 separate days in a week, you will get a prize from the prize pot. If you can do this every week until the end of term you will get a certificate and a badge in assembly!
9th February
In DT this term we have been designing and making windmills. Our structure needed to be stable and stand up on it's own. It also needed to turn in the wind. Everyone showed great perseverance and independence, creating stable structures and problem solving along the way. We then tested our windmills to see if they would turn, and found solutions if they did not. Well done Robins!
2nd February
This week we have been studying and learning the story 'The Leaf Thief' by Alice Hemming. We created actions for the story and performed it. This helped us to know the structure of the story so that we could write our own. We had stories of dogs losing bones, penguins losing icebergs and even a walrus losing his fish!
Here is the first part of the story.
26th January
Geography and Eco Week
As part of our Geography and Eco week learning, we have been finding out about how diverse our capital city is, as well as learning about the human and physical features of both London and our Local area.
We looked at maps of the area and spotted the different features, then we went for a walk to see if we could find them. We were all very good at reading the maps and working our where we were.
In DT, we have been making models of some of the human features (landmarks) of London.
19th January
We are very excited to welcome Mrs Welch into our class this term. She is currently undertaking her teaching placement with us and will be with us until February half term. We know you will make her feel very welcome. She has been amazing and loves spending time with Robin Class.
This week, we have been exploring numbers to 20, begining to write a narrative about the seasons changing using the book 'The Leaf Thief' and also continuing to learn the basics of coding in Computing. It has been great fun doing all of this! We have also been learning about the 'Lost' stories in RE. Children have been busy retelling these to each, and exploring how the Lost Sheep was all about how God cares for everyone as part of our learning about Christianity. Have a lovely weekend.
12th January
In Phonics this term we are revising the Phase 5a Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence which we learnt in term 2. We will be reading and spelling words containing these sounds, as well as continuing to learn the Phase 5 Common Exception words. We wanted to share this video of us pronouncing each sound correctly.
5th January
What a lovely way to start the term! Robin Class enjoyed a trip to the library on Thursday morning. We listened carefully to the stories, and chose some books to bring back to class.
19th December
Merry Christmas from all of the Robins. We have been busy making this week: baking Christmas biscuits, making Christmas cards and reindeer food. We also got some PE and RE in there for some good measure too! Children have shown a great understanding of the Holy Trinity.
Today, we had a Christmas sing-a-long and our Christmas Party. We hope you all have a lovely break and see you on the 4th!
15th December
We have continued our learning about shapes this week. We have been printing using 3D shapes, and noticing which 2D shapes it creates. We have also been creating our own repeating pattern wrapping paper.
8th December
In maths this week we have been learning about 3D shapes. We have been learning the names cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder, cone and pyramid. We have made towers out of the shapes, thinking carefully about the best position for each, based on it's features. Would a sphere be good at the bottom of a tower? We have also had a go at making our own 3D shapes out of playdough, making sure we had the correct number of faces. Can you find any 3D shapes at home?
1st December
Wow! Another busy week in Robins. We have been fortunate to try some new things. The children have been working on courage and putting themsleves out of their comfort zones thinking about how they travel on the apparatus. We have also been incredibly busy working on our Christmas production. The singing is sounding angelic.
We also had our wellbeing Wednesday for this term where we tried out VX ball - we all had great fun!
24th November
As you will have seen from the newsletter, this week we have been creating stained glass windows for the Midsomer Norton Christmas Art Trail. Robin Class tried very hard to draw around templates, and cut out the shapes neatly. The end results are wonderful!
In maths this week we have been learning about subtraction. We have told 'first, then and now' stories and then written the subtraction as a number sentence. We are beginning to make links between the addition facts that we know, and subtraction facts
eg if we know that 3 + 4 = 7, then we know that 7 - 3 = 4.
17th November
Maths Week
As part of our learning during maths week we have been naming 2D shapes, and thinking about their similarities and differences. We have been spotting shapes in the world around us.
We looked at the natural art created by Andy Goldsworthy, and thought about how he uses shape. We then tried to create some of our own! We also made pictures using only 2D shapes.
In computing, we created pictograms showing the results of dice rolls. Well done Robins, you've had a super week of learning!
10th November
Another fab week with the Robins this week! We have been on a dragon hunt, using our knowledge of adjectives to describe. We even added some similes. We have also been reflecting on remembrance and why we have a Remembrance day. We have been so impressed with how thoughtful all of our children are. We also had fantastic fun in PE looking at how we move with synchronisation and differently as animals. We all loved being snakes!!! Have a great weekend and see you on Monday!
3rd November
It's been so wonderful having Robin class back in this week. We have missed them! We have been incredibly busy looking at number bonds, the importance of History and what is meant by past and present and also being collaborators in PE, focusing on working as a team and our listening skills. We are looking forward to learning about the Shirley Hughes book, Dogger, next week. We will also be talking about Remembrance and why we remember. Have a lovely weekend!
20th October
This week, as part of our Black History Month learning, we have been finding out about Rosa Parks and how she fought for equality. We have created some fact file about Rosa Parks, which the children will be bringing home.
We have also enjoyed playing some music this week. We used xylophones to keep a steady beat.
13th October
It was so lovely to see so many of you at our parent workshop this week. The class loved showing you the learning they have ben doing - retelling the story of 'Giraffes Can't Dance' and investigating line and media in art. Thank you very much for coming in!
6th October
This week we have tried something new, again! On Wednesday we had a go at Tchoukball. We needed to concentrate on our throwing and catching skills in order to bounce the ball off the net to score a point. Well done Robins, you all worked really hard and improved lots during the session, thinking about the best position to stand in to score a point.
29th September
What a wonderful week of learning we have had in Robin Class! In maths, we have started to compare numbers. We have made towers of cubes and used the words 'more', 'the same' and 'fewer' to compare them. We all had fun trying something new during our taekwondo taster session, particulrly when we got to try using the nunchucks!
We enjoyed singing our song, 'Big Red Combine Harvester', to the whole school in our harvest assembly.
22nd September
Another busy week in Robin Class. We have enjoyed learning about the story - Giraffe's Can't Dance and creating some alliterative sentences, alongside using-ing verbs to describe what a character is doing. We've had lots of lonely leopards, crazy crocodiles and gentle giraffes dancing around. As well as this, we have been exploring the creation story in Christianity and created a story wheel to help us remember what happened on each day. We also took part Wellness Wednesday, where we created some collaborative art. Children were connecting with each other using different lines and media to produce some fabulous Under The Sea artwork. Well done Robins.
15th September
What a week to be a Robin!
This week, we had our first visit to the library, went outside and did some maths and continued to learn all about different creatures. Many of the Robins are becoming super confident about telling you what a noun is and we can't wait to learn all about verbs next week. We will be reading one of Mr Lyle's favourite books - Giraffes Can't Dance! Well done Robins - a super week!
8th September 2023
What a brilliant week we have had in Robin Class! We have been looking at sorting and counting in Maths, writing postcards about our summer break in English. Children have been busy creating self portraits in Art and also learning about Alexander Bell and the telephone in History. It's been great seeing them settle in to life as Year 1 children. We are very much looking forward to next week.
Meet our wonderful team.
Mrs Allen
Mrs Allen started teaching at Welton Primary School in September 2022. She is delighted to be teaching Year 1 again this year, and will be teaching Robin Class on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Did you know?
In her spare time Mrs Allen spends lots of time outdoors with her family, walking, bike riding and enjoying lots of time at the coast.
Mr Lyle
Mr Lyle joined the Welton team as Head of School in April and is extremely excited to be teaching Robin Class on a Monday and Tuesday.
In his spare time, he loves to spend time with his family, go for walks and play sport - particularly cricket, badminton and running.
Did you know?
In April, Mr Lyle ran the London Marathon - something he has always wanted to do.
Our TAs in Year 1 are Mrs Cockerill and Mrs Dando who will be with us throughout the week.
Useful web links
If you would like some extra support with your child's learning, take a look at these links below which could help your child.
Maths Links
Wider Curriculum links