Useful information and Home Learning

Below is the overview of learning for Hawk class this term:

Important days for your child

PE- Our PE days are on Monday and Thursday. Children are allowed to come in on these days wearing their P.E kits

*Term 3 and 4, children will have swimming on a Monday and will need their swimming kits with them.

Homework: Homework is sent home on a Friday and we try to mark it the following Friday Morning.

Reading Records: Reading records are checked every Friday morning- Housepoints available for your efforts!

Spellings Term 5: Mrs Berry's Group

Spellings Term 5: Mrs Green's Group

Homework Term 5 Week 1:

Homework Week 3- Due in Thursday 14th March

Spellings Term 4

Mrs Berry's Group:

Homework Term 3, Week 3:

Have a go at what you can! Give yourselves the 30 minutes as a benchmark to see how far you can get!

Please find an adult at school if you are finding it tricky- we will help you!

Homework Term 3, Week 2:

Have a go at what you can! Give yourselves the 30 minutes as a benchmark to see how far you can get!

Please find an adult at school if you are finding it tricky- we will help you!

Term 3 Spellings: 

Mrs Berry's Group
Mrs Green's group
Week 1

Homework Term 2, Week 4:

We are aware some of your children were at multi skills on Friday- their homework has been stuck in their books ready for collection on Monday. Please see below:

Copy of Week 4

Homework Term 2, Week 3:

Week 3

Homework Term 2, Week 2:

Week 2
Week 1

Homework Week Term 2, Week 1

Copy of Mrs Berry's Group
Copy of Mrs Green's Group
Week 6 Homework
Week 5 Homework

Homework Week 5:

Week 4 HomeworkHomework: Friday 22nd September 2023

Homework week 4:

1) Revise those times tables.

2) Root word task based on Monday's SPAG

Week 3 Homework


Homework will be sent home on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday- these tasks will range from Maths to English and will usually be based around learning covered in class. 

Week 3 Homework (22.09.23)

This week we are revising fronted adverbials and some of our place value learning on Roman numerals.

Week 2 Homework (15.09.23):

This week in English we have looked at Relative pronouns and this week's task is a reflection of that.

See below:


Children will have a copy of the term's spellings sent home with them and the expectation is that they practice these regularly at home. There will also be opportunities to use them in our English warm up tasks in class. Children will be quizzed on these words every Friday.  Some children will be sent home with alternative spellings to help meet their individual needs. See below:

Reading at Home

We expect children to read 3 times a week to an adult at home and would like this signed in their reading records. We love hearing about what your child has been reading and will be dedicating time in our week to share the stories we've been reading with each other.

Book of the term

Week 1 and 2: Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman