Learning in Year 5

Reading and Phonics

We practice our reading daily in our Guided Reading sessions where we focus on a text and look at different skills in reading, using VIPERS.  

Every Friday we have a dedicated session given to reading our own book from home or the library and then time to talk about it and share it with our classmates. 


In all of our writing in class we are focusing on presentation, speed and accuracy so that we can be fluent and accurate writers. 

Please see below for our writing targets which incorporate handwriting, spelling, punctuation and grammar!



In our daily maths lessons, we incorporate some recall (remembering) of previous skills and knowledge in our Daily Review - we also include a challenge for those that finish quickly so that they are having to apply other learning or make links in their learning. In lessons we use the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approach to enable the children to use practical resources to show their learning as well as to try out new skills in practical ways - i,e using dienes/counters/place value cards/numbelines etc. 

Please see below for our Y5 targets that we need to master by the end of the year. We also include opportunities to revisit previous years learning! These include suggestions and ways to support these at home if you are looking for ideas/support for your children's maths.