Welcome to Hawk Class

Welcome to Hawk Class from 

Mrs Hollidge and Mrs Berry

We are really looking forward to the year ahead and have many exciting topics to cover in Y5 including Space and the Mayans. There will be interesting trips, visitors, super sports coaches and special events throughout the year to support our learning. Please see our welcome letter for more details about the year ahead.


Welcome letter 2023

Key dates 

** TERM 6**

Changes this term:

P.E will now take place on a Monday and a Thursday- Children need to wear their kits to school on these days.

Dates for the diary:

Friday 21st June- Trip to Radstock Museum

We will be walking down from school at about 9.30. Children will need a packed lunch with them to have a picnic in the park together before returning to school for the remainder of the afternoon.

Y5 Learning Overview

Please have a look at our overview for the year. This document outlines the intended coverage across the curriculum. As it is a working document, certain skills may be tweaked or revisited dependent on the needs of the children in class.

Term 6, Week 2

Another week has passed and it was another action packed week that kicked off with a zoom call with our friends in Prague. It was lovely to be able to share with both the other UK schools and the children in Prague about the food we enjoy and what we have been doing recently in out D.T lessons. From all reliable sources, our children were clear, engaging and articulate so well done everyone! 

We have continued our learning about decimals this week and finished off with creating our own decimal sequences for each other to solve. Needless to say that some were particularly challenging!

Next week we are heading to Radstock Museum on Friday morning and will be walking along the Greenway. Children have permission to wear their trainers/comfortable footwear as we hope to stop in the park on the way back for our picnic. All children will need to carry their lunch with them and it will be left in a secure place whilst we enjoy the morning activities.

On the note of uniform, please make sure that your child is wearing appropriate footwear and clothing to school as we have noticed trainers being worn on non PE days. 

Have a lovely weekend!

Term 6, Week 1

It has been an incredibly busy week back at school after the half term break and it has been great to see everyone getting stuck into their learning. We have started our second unit on decimals this week and it was clear that the class had retained lots of the learning from the last unit and could really start to build on their knowledge. There was lots of competition in the air during our Fluency Friday session as we played a dice game called "Diabolical Decimals!" 

In English this week we finished writing our suspense narratives and, again, it has been wonderful to see the progress that the children have made over the course of the year and how they are now adding additional details to help the reader feel the emotion of the writing! 

Of course, the week ended with a farewell to our butterflies who were well and truly ready to fly out into the wide open world! It was an exciting moment encouraging them out of the net and we have really enjoyed observing the process.

Enjoying a spot of Diabolical Decimals!


A little caterpillar update for you all! They are safely cocooned in their net, ready to transform in Mrs Hollidge's kitchen! Her children are eagerly anticipating the transformation! We will keep you posted!

Term 5 Week 6

Well done everyone! We've made it to half term and what a week it has been to finish on! Wednesday was jam packed with Spaghetti Bolognese making and it was so great to see the class apply the skills we've been developing over the course of the term. It was even better to see so many smiley faces as they proudly took their jars home- we hope you enjoyed it as much as they enjoyed making it!  

Friday also saw the end of our Gymnastics unit in P.E and it was lovely to see the children collaborate together to create sequences with different types of balances and rolls in them- (Pictures to come soon!). 

It has been another busy term in Y5 and we can't quite believe that next term is our final one together! We are planning a trip to Radstock Museum on Friday 21st June which will hopefully (weather permitting) involve a picnic and play at the park on the return to school.  Next term will also see our RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) unit in PSHE. A letter will come out in the first week of term to explain this in more detail.

We  really hope you have an enjoyable half term and can't wait to see you again for the start of term 6! P.S We will keep you posted as our caterpillars transform into beautiful butterflies!!

Term 5 Week 5

It has been another fantastic week in Hawk class which has rounded up with a lot of fun at Sports Day today.  In English this week we have really enjoyed immersing ourselves in suspense writing and we have had a lot of fun interpreting and responding to a text- we can't wait to see what you will produce next week! 

Today, Hawk class really excelled at demonstrating our school values. There was amazing collaboration, resilience and courage demonstrated from every one of them whether that was in the individula races this afternoon or during the team activities this morning. We are really proud of your children and the levels of maturity they are beginning to demonstrate. Please enjoy looking at a snapshot of the day- race photos to follow as Mrs. Berry was too busy whistle blowing to get the shots!! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Term 5 Week 4

It was a busy and creative week in Hawk's class this week. In English we were creating persuasive adverts to sell our own products to our very own 'dragons'! We created products and made sure they had their own USP and slogan! Do be sure to ask your child for their own unique pitch! 

In DT we practiced preparing vegetables for our bolognase that we will be making in two weeks time. We chopped onions, garlic, celery and made a sauce using chopped tomatoes. Our chopping skills really developed and the school smelt great after cooking our vegetables! 

In science we have been looking at life cycles and we said hello to 5 new classmates this week - Harry, Nial, Zayn, Louis and Liam the catepillars! We are looking forward to watching their life cycle as they turn into butterflies! They've already grown lots over the course of this week!

Term 5, Week 3

Term 5, Week 3

It was another busy week for Hawk class, with half of us going to a Multi Skills event on Wednesday afternoon. It was great to see the children get involved in the activities and try to be their best at all times- fortunately the rain held off and we were able to enjoy the afternoon without getting soggy!

In Maths we have been learning about angles and we really enjoyed getting practical this week. On Thursday we refreshed our knowledge about different types of angles and began to use a protractor with accuracy to measure different angles and on Friday we learnt how to draw and measure lines and angles with greater accuracy. It was so great to see the children collaborate together on this and spot check each other's learning as well as give top tips about how to improve accuracy! A super way to end the week year 5- well done! 

Term 5 Week 2

It was so great to be able to participate in the singing event at the Pavilion on Thursday. The children were fantastic and really sang their hearts out- it was great to see their enthusiasm shine out. We also enjoyed breaking outside (we dodged the rain!) and getting some fresh air before listening to other choirs perform.  Here are a few snapshots from the day:

Term 5, Week 1

It has been a busy week getting back into the swing of learning and remembering our routines. We have been busy singing and rehearsing ready for our concert at the Abbey next Thursday. 

In Maths, we finished our unit on area and perimeter and have started our next unit on statistics- we enjoyed looking at line graphs and discussing why the number of biscuits in the staff room may have decreased over time!

In English, we have been focusing on Poetry and have spent time looking at figurative language and today we wrote a whole class poem based on an image! It was great to see the children working together and refining their ideas as we worked on it. We used the visualiser to write the poem together and then live edited to perfect it. We hope you enjoy reading it:

Term 4, Week 6

We have made it to the end of term! What a busy term we have had and this week has been no exception! This week we have been writing character descriptions in English and finding perimeter in Maths. 

We were really impressed with the collaboration in maths this week where the class worked in their maths pairs to create problems for their partner to solve - finding the missing measurement. 

We were really lucky to have some visitors in this week to lead an 'ultimate frisbee' session with us. Luckily the rain stopped in time for us to enjoy the fresh air and the joy of team work and exercise. 

We hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and we will see you in two weeks for term 5!  

Term 4, Week 5

We've had a busy and exciting week this week - not least performing our trumpets to the school and to our parents! We have spent the past 10 weeks learning to play the trumpet and our year 5s have done really well learning a new skill! 

In Maths we have been looking at decimals, fractions and percentages, converting between the three. In English we have been focusing on character descriptions - looking at what makes a good character description and what doesn't quite hit the mark! 

We also wanted to share with you a few of our DT pop-up books that we have been making. We are so proud of these creations - in particular our use of different mechanisms to create levers, sliders and pop up figures. 

Term 4, Week 3

It's been a busy week completing assessments, finishing pop up books and of course celebrating World Book Day. Hawk class have been absolutely fantastic in their attitude towards their assessments and we have seen some brilliant progress from your children- well done everyone!

World Book Day was full of excitement and energy and it was so great to see such a range of exciting costumes, props and interesting styles! We enjoyed browsing the book swap, sharing stories with year 1 and finishing the day reading with our parents. 

Next week, some of us are heading of to Prague and you can follow our adventures on the PRague visit tab of our web page. Those who are staying in the UK have lots of exciting activities planned and we can't wait to share stories with each other (hopefully) through technology as the week progresses. 

Enjoy looking at some of our snaps from World Book Day 2024!

Term 4, Week 2

On Monday this week we had 'Voices For Life' come in to do a singing workshop with the whole school. We learnt a song and recorded it to be played to Team GB ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic games. The Voices for Life team even brought in a real Olympic torch for us to look at! The class performed brilliantly - get them to sing the song to you at home! 

In Maths we have been working collaboratively all week when looking at thousandths as decimals and fractions. We have also been recapping prior place value knowledge. It has been a real joy to see the class working so collaboratively to create detailed answers - especially to the question 'how do you know that?'

On Wednesdays we have the wonderful Chris come in to teach us all to play the trumpet (we are learning on cornets). The class are making wonderful progress and it's a joy to be in their lesson. This week they learnt the notes 'F' and 'G' to add to their repertoire!  

Term 4, Week 1:

What a whirlwind first week back. Hawk class has been amazing at adapting this week and have enjoyed getting back into the swing of learning with Mrs. Hollidge on a Monday-Wednesday. 

This week we have kicked off a new persuasive writing unit loosely linked to our Geography 'Rainforest' unit. We've used hot seating and drama to help us get into a character's perspective and have remembered how brilliant we are at persuading others to think like us! We have used the book "The Great Kapok Tree' as our inspiration and we can't wait to see what writing is produced in the coming week. 

In Maths we have been looking at Fractions and decimals - particularly finding the whole in fractions. Hawk class worked really hard this week to secure their fraction knowledge. 

In Science we did an experiment looking at the soluble nature of Sugar and investigated to see how the temperature of the water effects the rate of the sugar dissolving. 

A message from Mrs Hollidge

To the Hawk's, It is lovely to be back this term with you all! I really enjoyed popping in to meet you all at the end of last term and I am sure we are going to have a wonderful second half of the year together. We have so many exciting things to look forward to this term including world book day and some of you are off to Prague! The rest of us will be doing some really interesting learning that week and will be doing our own little project. I am also looking forward to hearing all of your expert trumpet playing on a Wednesday - Mr Stevens tells me you are brilliant! I hope you've all had a great half term and I can't wait to see you all first thing on Monday morning! 

Mrs Hollidge. 

A message from Mr Stevens 

***Mrs Berry and the children organised a superb send off assembly. They made a fantastic card and read a lovely poem. Thank you to everyone for their kind words and gifts. I even got my own leavers hoodie!***

It is with a heavy heart that I will be handing back Hawk Class to Mrs Hollidge at the start of term 4. I have worked with this class in various ways since they were in Year 3 and I know what an amazing group they are. It has been a fantastic experience and I have many super memories eg ice skating, djembe drumming, lots of fun science investigations, waste recycling, swimming, amazing hockey sessions, after school sports events, Running Club, Science Club, Eco Club etc. 

I would like to thank Mrs Berry, Mrs Green, Mrs Heal and Mrs Keevil for being such great colleagues during my time in Hawks. I would also like thank all the parents who have been very supportive and the children for making everyday special.

I wish the Hawks team every success for the rest of the year and beyond.  

Term 3, Week 6

Wow! What a busy week and what a fantastic term.

On Tuesday it was Safer Internet Day. In Hawk Class we focussed on how the Internet influences us. We looked at a range of online content and had to decide whether it was a positive and negative influence and why. It was really interesting that many of the scenarios we looked at had both good and bad influences. 

This week in maths we revisited fractions. It was really great to build on our previous work before Christmas and we are really challenging ourselves to solve tricky problems using a range of strategies. 

In science, we have been learning scientific words to accurately describe the properties of materials. 

In English we have learned about the features of a captivating narrative including: personification, expanded noun phrases, dialogue and imagery.

We particularly enjoyed out dodgeball session on Wednesday morning as part of 'Wellbeing Wednesday'. It was great to see Hawk class having fun together!

Mrs Berry and Mr Stevens wish you all a fantastic half term break. 

Term 3, Week 5

This week in maths we have been using our multiplication and division skills to solve tricky problems and give detailed reasoning for our answers. It has been great to see confidence growing throughout the term. Hawks have also been heavily involved in the times table challenge the school has entered. 

In science, we have started our substances and their properties module. We learned about changes in states of matter and investigated melting ice cubes using various methods (the hair dryer was the quickest!).

Following the great work last week about Brazil some of the artwork is now on display in the classroom. It looks great. 

In English we looked at improving our writing by using adventurous expanded noun phrases and also studied aspects of poetry such as personification using a poem about a hungry tiger. 

<-------Have a read of some of our fantastic writing!

Hawks are also loving their trumpet lessons- they are working so hard so please do encourage them to play it at home!!

Term 3, Week 4

What a busy week!

On Monday Hawk Class were visited by students from Bath Spa University to learn about drama. Pupils used their acting skills to recreate scenes whilst other pupils had to guess what was going on. The favourite was an amusement arcade.  They also conducted a fun activity on making friends. 

This week there has been a focus on Geography and Eco issues. Pupils learned more about recycling, undertook some recycling of their own and redesigned the recycling logo. 

In Geography we have been focussing on Brazil including comparing the weather to Welton and writing some superb newspaper articles about environmental problems in the Amazon. 

<------If you didn't manage to get in to visit our learning display, have a look at our vibrant stand!

In maths we have been working really hard on division and remembering to use our working wall to help us. 

Term 3, Week 4

What a busy week!

We also enjoyed baking Pão de queijo- a type of Brazilian cheese bread.

Term 3, Week 3:

We have has another fantastic week of learning in Hawk Class with lots of brilliant opportunities to learn in exciting ways! 

On Monday, we continued to develop our swimming technique and stamina. Significant progress has already been spotted by the coaches. 

On Tuesday, we finished our science unit on forces by looking at gears, pulleys and levers. We talked about where these might be found in school and we brought a bike into the classroom for a demonstration. Our next science topic is materials. 

On Wednesday, we completed our final pieces of our Installation Art Project- see pictures. It was really great to see the children working together to overcome problems and think of new ways to create or represent their ideas.

On Thursday, we wrapped up and headed to the library- it was great to have the chance to find a new read to enjoy back at school. We then took the opportunity to do a little bit of Geography field work sketching buildings and interesting sights that are in our local area. This will come in handy for our project next week! 

Friday marked the beginning of our trumpet lessons- it was fantastic! The children were so engaged and tried their absolute best! Have a look at the pictures below! Children have been given permission to bring their trumpets home to practise however it is their responsibility to look after them and make sure they're in on a Wednesday morning. 

Term 3 Week 2

It was fantastic to go swimming this week and everyone tried really hard to improve their technique. Pupils were very safe and sensible walking to the pool. Thank you to Mrs Bearcroft for coming with us.

In maths we have been working really hard on our times tables and using them to solve tricky multiplication questions. We had to think really carefully about the different stages required when multiplying by a two digit number.

In science we learnt about gravity and conducted a fair test to show that a small and large ball of plasticine hit the ground at the same time. The pictures below (taken before Christmas) will be used on our new science display in the classroom. 

In English we really focussed on ensuring the correct punctuation is used for speech and parenthesis. 

It is really exciting to announce that next week pupils will start learning to play the trumpet. Also in music, it was really lovely to see year 5 and year 3 working as a team whilst Djembe drumming. 

Next Week:

We will be having our first online Google Meet with children from classes in Prague next Thursday!!

Term 3 Week 1

Happy New Year! Whilst it's only been a short week, it has been great to see your children back into the groove of school life! 

A big well done to:







For completing the winter challenge of being in the green zone and reading 8 times and over during the holidays. 

The girls enjoyed taking part in activities led by Bath Rugby this afternoon and they were really buzzing when they came back in albeit a little chilly!

Next week marks the beginning of our formal multiplication and division learning so please, please be practising those times tables- we will be doing a big push on it in school! 

T2: W7

This week, Hawks were treated to a viewing of the KS1 play 'Hey You'. It was really lovely to see the class joining in with the actions and words. 

In class, we have been working hard to finish our unit on fractions and learning how to write fantastic winter poems using similes, onomatopoeia and reputative language. 

In Science, we have been investigating water resistance and in PSHE our focus has been on using kind words to resolve disagreements. 

What a super term! The staff in Year 5 would like to thank the pupils for being such a fantastic class and parents/carers for their continued support- it was great to see you at our carol concert. If you couldn't make it, here are a few snaps from our time together!

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

**Holiday Homework Challenge**

-Be in the green zone on the 4th of January

-Read at least 8 times over the holidays.

T2: W6:

Ice Skating Excitement!

It was a real pleasure to take the class ice skating on Tuesday for an early Christmas treat. The pupils were really excited to get on the ice and for many it was their first time. After the first few tentative steps, everyone's confidence grew and towards the end many pupils had really mastered a new skill. It was also lovely to see pupils encouraging each other and helping each other off the ice when they fell over. We would like to thank the parent helpers who came. 

T2: Week 5:


Despite the low temperatures, we loved getting outside and trying out the sport 'VX' this week. It was great to try something new and many discovered new skills using a scoop to attack and defend themselves during a game!

Week 5:

In Science this week, pupils have been making parachutes and conducting fair tests to compare designs. They now understand air resistance and why parachutes are used. The teamwork was fantastic!

Here are some of the finished pieces of our Installation Art pieces- we used figurines to show how this type of art can take over a space on a large scale. Don't they look effective?!

Art, Week 4:

We got incredibly creaitive in Art this week, creating our own Installation Art spaces. Our key concept was 'technique' and we explored flicking, crumbling, stenciling, spreading to name but a few. The children created their own spaces within the box and the idea was to try and understand the scale of installation art and how it can transform a space. More pictures to follow whent the finished products are dry! 

Term 2, Week 4

This week we have been working really hard in maths learning about fractions. We started by reviewing simplifying fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers. Next we looked at using this knowledge to add fractions together.  

In PSHE we had an interesting session talking about the meaning of culture and why different cultures should be celebrated.

In science we talked about fair testing and started designing parachutes which we test next week. 

In English we have been looking at the key features of adventure stories including exciting settings, creating tension, using powerful language and effective use of speech.

Term 2, Week 3

As part of our forces work in science, this week we conducted an investigation on air resistance. It was really good to see good quality practical science, pupil's challenging themselves and working with a strong level of collaboration.  

We have been celebrating Maths Week by investigating the links between maths and art.  Pupil's investigated tessellation to create 3D shape illusions and Celtic knots to learn about symmetry and pattern.

In PE, we have been developing out dribbling skills as part of our football unit this term. 

Term 2, Week 2:

What another fantastic week! It was so great to see so many of you at parent's evening to have a chance to discuss your child and the progress that they're making in their learning. If you didn't manage to make an appointment, we will try to make phone calls next week to discuss your child with you. 

We have taken time this week to reflect on the events of the world wars. We created our own class wreath that was presented in assembly and (weather permitting) is still standing proudly on our school gates. It was great to see the interest our children had regarding the events of the past- we had lots of interesting questions too! 

Term 2, Week 1:

We had great fun in maths this week taking part in the Countdown Challenge where we had to use certain numbers to reach a given target. There was a real buzz in the room and it was great to see children working hard alongside each other and challenging themselves to find multiple solutions.

Dance: Week 1

It's been a great start to term 2! Here are a few snaps of our P.E lesson with the coach on Thursday. This term we are focussing on dance and over the course of the term we will be developing our ability to follow choreography and choreograph our own dances. Watch this space!!

Weekly Updates Week 7   20/10/23

This week, we have been learning about prime, square and cube numbers. We are really proud of our progress in Maths and it is good to see pupils making links between different areas of learning. We have been writing biographies in English and finding out about the astronaut Mae Jemison. This has linked really well with our space topic in Science. We finished our Art work on Carmen Beckford linked to our Black History Month focus on "Soul Sisters".

It was fantastic to be able to share our learning with you this afternoon and thank you so much for your participation in our sports activities at the end. The children were buzzing about it asking when you can come in and play sport with them again- I've had suggestions for dance so watch this space!

What a fantastic way to finish the term. There is no formal homework being set for half term but we ask that you read at least 3 times over the break and get onto Doodle as much as possible- new assignments have been set! Well done everyone- enjoy half term!

Weekly Updates Week 6   13/10/23

This week in PSHE we have been thinking about roles, responsibilities and teamwork. The photo shows pupils working as a team to lift the bottle using an elastic band and string but without talking to each other. It was great fun. We have been improving our singing of 'Livin' on a Prayer' which was noticed by Mrs Heal (from the hall!). In Maths we have focussed on multiples and factors.  

On Thursday, it was great to return to the library with enthusiasm and the children enjoyed spending a good half an hour choosing books to return to school with. There were even moments of sheer bliss where every child had a book in hand and weren't making a peep! 

Next week, we have our parent drop in at 2.30 on Friday afternoon and, weather permitting, we will be getting outside to showcase some of the skills we have developed in P.E this term. 

Weekly Updates  Week 5  06.10.23

What a busy week! In Maths we have been solving some tricky missing number problems and in English we have written an extended piece based on Hansel and Gretel. In Science, we have undertaken an in depth study of the moon and why it appears to change shape throughout the month. We are using all our new hockey skills we have learnt in games and starting to compete (carefully) in matches. 

We had a particularly busy Wednesday which kicked off with a taster session in Tchoukball! It was great to see everyone get stuck in with the tasks and challenges set for them. Following this, we had  SARI workshop linked to Black History month and we discussed what inequality can  look like in our society today. If that wasn't enough, the afternoon was spent building our doodlers in DT. This was, at times, particularly challenging but they all showed determination and perseverance worthy of a magic moment for all!

Weekly Updates  Week 4   29.09.23

What a brilliant time we have has this week. Our Root Connections trip was a real highlight with phrases like "This has been the best day ever!" and "I'm going to ask for a juicer so we can make our own apple juice at home!". It was so lovely to see the children enjoy being outside, picking blackberries, foraging in woods and sitting around the campfire eating lunch. Thank you to our parent helpers too- we couldn't have done it without you! Take some time to look at the pictures below and ask your child about the fun they have had!

Back in the classroom, pupils are really enjoying (and very enthusiastically!) singing and playing glockenspiels alongside Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. In PSHE we have been learning about rights and responsibilities. Our space topic continued this week with pupil's modelling why we have day, night and seasons.

Weekly updates

Week 3 22.09.23

What a busy week it has been in Hawk Class! We really enjoyed our Wellbeing Tasks on Wednesday. This term's focus has been 'Connect Us' and we spent some time working in groups to cross the river and create different shapes with our bodies! It was a lot of fun! In science, we created our own presentations to demonstrate the orbits of the Earth and Moon in relation to the Sun. There was a great atmosphere in the room and the outcomes were out of this World!

Things for next week: 

Next week we are the first class heading to Root Connections. Children will need to come into school wearing old clothes and shoes. They will need wellies to change into on arrival as we will be playing in the woods and near the river. Children will need to bring uniform to change into for the afternoon and all children will need to bring a packed lunch with them as we will be eating it together on the site.

Weekly updates

Week 2 15.09.23

Another super week in Hawk Class. Everyone is working really hard and demonstrating this week's value- collaboration. We started hockey in PE and saw some very impressive dribbling skills. In Maths we have been focusing on place value and multiplying/dividing by 10. In Music we started learning the history and lyrics to 'Livin' on a prayer' by Bon Jovi.   

We have also just spent Friday afternoon exploring the 'Doodler's that we will create later this term in D.T. There was lots of excitement creating a propeller to move our Doodler and see what pattern it created!

Weekly updates

Week 1 08.09.23

What a fantastic start to the year! It was lovely meeting the new Y5 and hearing all about the summer holidays. We are really impressed by the attitude of all the pupils and really excited about the year ahead. We started learning about the Solar System in Science and it was great to hear so many amazing conversations and questions about this topic. In English we have already seen pupils taking great pride in their presentation and have been reading "Hansel and Gretel" by Neil Gaiman- have a look at some of our writing!  In Maths, we have been learning about numbers to 1 million! A super start. 

 Meet our wonderful team.

All about Mrs.Berry

I'm Mrs. Berry and I will be teaching Hawks on a Wednesday, Thursday and a Friday. I love using the outside space for our learning and I'm a big fan of using sport and P.E to help us feel good about ourselves and bring us closer together as a class. 

In my spare time, I love playing on the beach with my 2 children, going on adventures and doing plenty of swimming and cycling in preparation for triathlons!

Hello from Mr. Stevens

I'm Mr Stevens and I will be teaching Hawks on Monday and Tuesday. I have worked in education in various ways all my life and passionate about everyone enjoying school and achieving their best. 

My particular interest is science and I'm really excited about teaching space in term 1. In my spare time I really like camping, cycling and water sports. I'm really looking forward to teaching Y5 this year as I already know what an amazing class they are!  

Mrs Green

Mrs Heal