

Took part in the debate team since grade 8. I took part in several competitions such as:

1) THSDC 2017

2) TWSDC 2018 (adjudicator)

3) THSDC 2019 (TOP 10)

4) International Day of Forests Debate with UNFAO and RECOFTC 2017, 2018, 2019

Debate captain from 2017-2019. Organized two friendly debates with another school in Bangkok. Recruited several new members and held training sessions up to 2 times per week.

LO Connections:

  • Learning outcome 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

    1. I started off debate with very little experience in public speaking. As time went by, I ended up inevitably getting better and my confidence seemed to sky rocket. However to this day I can still find several areas for growth in myself. I need to work more in synthesizing arguments that the opposition would not expect or a completely different perspective. This is an area for growth for me.

  • Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

    1. I developed skills in public speaking, critical thinking and thinking on "the spot." I struggled with this at first however improved greatly over the long run.

  • Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

    1. I organized friendly debate tournaments, took our school to several debate tournaments, organized a fun Christmas debate and organized debate hoodies for the core teams.

  • Learning outcome 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

    1. Took part in this club for 4 years. 2 years as a leader.

  • Learning outcome 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

    1. Not only did I work with my main competition team but I worked with the entire team to help everyone improve. I ended up getting really close with my core team and that led to a lot of success.

  • Learning outcome 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

    1. Took part in a United Nations affiliated debate where the youths voice was necessary for differing perspectives hence our voice was recognized in policy making.

    2. Topics included things such as:

      1. Urban forestry significance

      2. Wood for energy

  • Learning outcome 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

    1. Had to make ethical choices regarding what is always best for the team. This might have been things such as not allowing some people on the team, and although this may seem unethical, it would have been for a utilitarian benefit of the team.

Model United Nations(2015-2020)

Took part in Model United Nations since grade 8. I attended 20 total conferences. I was the deputy secretary general in 2019-2020. Organized WISMUN V and was the MC during the opening and closing ceremony. Was in the THAIMUN VI Student Management Committee. Got awarded best delegate in:



3) NISC MUN Cambodia

I ended up being the president of one of the most prestigious committees that exists in Model United Nations named International Court of Justice(ICJ) three times.

LO Connections:

  • Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I started off doing MUN as an extremely shy kid. However as I gained more experience, I was able to identify my weakness and fill in gaps of knowledge which led me to quite a lot of success. I also improved in public speaking and generally just socializing more seeing as MUN allowed me to meet people from all around Bangkok.

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

One challenge I recognized towards the second year of my MUN career is that I was starting to get really good at developing arguments and defending it through lots of critical thinking and different perspectives however I was also not being very open minded to the oppositions argument. Although this was good in MUN, in practicality, this really was not all that good seeing as my arguments were merely extremely bias towards my own opinions and my research. Therefore I decided to be a chair and spectate the conference and really understand both sides of the issue.

  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I was one of the main organizers for WISMUN V and THAIMUN VI and these required a lot of planning. This includes things such as contacting other schools, getting in touch with delegates, chairs...

I also led a lot of workshops for the newer MUN members and this required a lot of preparation too seeing as it required the activities to be engaging and I really had to think about the best strategics I wanted to teach them.

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I took part in this club for 4-5 years. One year as a D. Secretary general and one other year as a officer understudy.

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

When making resolutions, becoming co-chairs, or co-president, it is merely a necessity to collaborate effectively for maximum success.

The success of WISMUN V and THAIMUN VI organization merely depended on how much the work was divided seeing as it would not have been possible to do all the work by one person.

  • Demonstrate engaged with issues of global importance

A lot of the issues in MUN revolves around understanding global issues and attempting to figure out a solution that might work.

  • Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

When being a leader, you must be as fair as possible. For example, as a chair or president, you are required to give best delegate. It is essential to be ethical and give the best delegate to the delegate who worked hard during the conference and demonstrated excellent level of debate. It would be rather unethical to give the award to someone because they are your friend as that would have a lot of negative consequences for the person that deserved it.

Student Council(2016 ,2018, 2019, 2020) + Spirits and Events Leader(2018-2019)

I have been a part of the school government for most of high school. We worked towards solving issues that the student faced. Examples include: fixing school WiFi, and increasing the food quality sold during lunch.

As a class representative, I was also responsible for organizing prom. I also held fundraisers by selling graduation roses and selling masks during the COVID19 outbreak.

I was also elected as a leader for the Spirits and Events committee which meant I organized events for the school such as:

1) International Day

2) Sports day

3) Spirit Night

4) Secret Santa

5) SDG Week

LO Connections:

  • Learning outcome 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I learned a lot about organization and how to plan and execute events. I learned to listen to other people but I slowly began to realize that you also can't please everyone - this was likely the most valuable lesson I learned in terms of growth and now what I recognize as a strength. My area for growth would be to prioritize so that I can better execute the things I do. I could work more on my time management when handling events, and hence have more organization.

  • Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Specially during 2018-2019, I was handling a lot of events. A major challenge I faced was regarding time management. As a result of these two years, I learned to better prioritize the things that really matter to my long term life rather than trying to do every thing, and this really helped me with my time management.

  • Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I organized several events and I had to follow several steps and protocols during this time therefore I learned to plan a CAS experience. I also initiated an event that had not previous been done known as the SDG week where students wore different colored shirts to represent an SDG.

  • Learning outcome 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I worked countless hours for this experience and I have been in these organizations for years.

  • Learning outcome 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I learned the importance of collaboration quite late and this was a huge mistake on my part. However I grew as a result of this experience. During spirits and events, I always wanted things to be run my own way, and therefore sometimes I seemed to avoid collaboration. However this finally had huge consequences during a major school event called Sports Day where it was merely impossible for me to run everything myself and I needed help. I ended up recruiting some help yet it was not enough and the event came out quite unorganized. I learned from this experience and worked more collaboratively during the Prom event and it came out to be extremely successful.

  • Learning outcome 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

During the COVID19 outbreak, as class representatives, we recognized that masks were going out of stock. As a result we sold a bunch of masks to the public and the school community for a cheaper price.

  • Learning outcome 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

It is always ethical to fulfill your duty as a class representative and always listen to your peers and the issues they might have in order to fix them to the best of your ability.