

Gym Training(2018 - cont)

I started seriously lifting weights during the 2018 summer break. I was in a science camp at the University of Hawaii and the gym facility was simply the best I have ever witnessed. I started off at 65kg and have built up to 80kg over the years. I started off lifting very little weight to now being able to lift above my own body weight on some exercises. I have trained in:

1) University of Hawaii Warriors Recreational Center

2) Anytime Fitness Lumphini

3) Jetts 24 hours Onnut

4) Jetts 24 hours Asok

5) Virgin Active Wireless Road


  • Learning outcome 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Learning exercises and learning to do them well was a huge area of growth. For example when I first started lifting weights, I did a lot of what is known as a "barbell bench press," however I later learned that my form for this movement was actually completely wrong seeing as I started facing issues with shoulder impingement. I later corrected my form and although I had to lower the weight by a significant amount, I grew from there (physically and mentally).

  • Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I struggled with proper form seeing as I encountered shoulder impingement during the first to second year of my training. This was a major challenge seeing as if I did not fix something, I would end up in the hospital for weeks/ months. Therefore I researched a great deal and fixed my form.

  • Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

At first when I started weight lifting, I did not have a plan and I rather simply did it as it was compulsory at my summer camp. However I started to make big changes when I initiated to follow a structured program. I started off with a 12 week program called "Shortcut to Size" by Jim Stoppani then moved onto another advanced workout programs such as Jeff Nippards "Push Pull Legs" program. I really had to plan these and make sure I followed everything said by the experts.

  • Learning outcome 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Depending on which workout plan I was following, my commitment varied. However the minimum length of time per week would have come to around 6-7 hours(including warm up / cool down). When I had more time I trained up to 3 hours per day for 5 times a week.

I also read a lot literature on bodybuilding and how to optimize training which also took several hours. However this was not regular. I only did this when switching up my training style.

  • Learning outcome 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

As you can see in one of the photos, I chose to collaborate in my training with a peer seeing as he was able to teach me and assist me quite a lot in my workout. When lifting weights specially it helps to collaborate seeing as the weight can fall on you when you're alone however if there is a peer, the peer can help pick it up if it falls.

  • Learning outcome 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

During the COVID19 widespread, it was important to continue training so that my progress over the years would not be lost. Therefore I got creative and did all I could to workout from home during quarantine. This can be seen in the last photo

  • Learning outcome 7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

It is essential to stay healthy and going to the gym to do so is perfectly ethical.

Hiking: (2018-2019)

I spent about 12 weeks total in a matter of two years in Hawaii. During this time, I went on several hikes. This includes:

1) Kokohead stairs hike

2) Pink pillbox hike

3) Diamond Head crater

4) Manoa Falls Hike

And several others.

LO Connections:

  • Learning outcome 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

My endurance naturally over the course of doing several hikes ended up getting better, however in order to best improve, I also started incorporating endurance training for my legs in my gym training. This helped me quite a lot during the hikes.

  • Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

While going on my very first hike, this was extremely challenging because I had not faced something like this in a very long time. However my skill got better and I started to find hiking easier and easier.

  • Learning outcome 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I did this almost every week for a total of 12 weeks during my stay in Hawaii over two years.

  • Learning outcome 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

It is very important to help each other during hikes and/or if the hike is extremely challenging, it always helps to have a friend who is motivating you to continue.

2-3 weeks into jumping rope:

While jumping rope for 20 minutes 2-3 times per week

Date recorded: February 30, 2020

Date recorded: 22 April 2020

While jumping rope 7x a week for more than one hour.

Jumping Rope(2020)


I started jump rope around mid February 2020. At first it started off as just some way to better my cardiovascular health and I did not take it too seriously. Training in the gym was always my first priority. However due to the COVID19 outspread in Bangkok, all gyms were required to close down. As a result of this, I started doing jump rope everyday for at least one hour. Because of my time commitment, I decided to add this as a whole CAS experience seeing as it is a whole new skill set that I had to learn seeing as you can learn a lot of tricks and overall just get better at jumping rope.

I also began following jump rope programs such as:

JRD March 4 week challenge

JRD April 4 week challenge (ongoing)

  • Learning outcome 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

At first I jump roped very slowly(actually barely could at all), could not do any tricks, and length for jumping rope was around 10-20 minutes. It was simply very tiring. However I grew and now can do multiple tricks and sustain for more than one hour.

  • Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Lifting weights was always my main priority however with my style of training, I did not really train for athleticism. Jumping rope is very athletic and this therefore really challenged me and my regular training protocols.

  • Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I was first inspired by the YouTube channel named Jump Rope Dudes(JRD) and hence I picked up a rope and gave it a go. I did not plan for it to be a CAS experience at first however due to my level of growth and time commitment, I decided to make it into a CAS experience since it very well matches the LOs.

  • Learning outcome 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I started off in February with around 2-3 times a week training sessions for about 20 minutes. However by mid-march, I started training 7x a week for one hour.

  • Learning outcome 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Since I followed a jumping rope program by JRD, I was invited to a facebook page where people simply motivate each other to jump rope and stay on the program. Therefore this collaboration really helps seeing as this program is very challenging and therefore seeing other people also doing it with you really helps.

  • Learning outcome 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

During the COVID19 outspread, it was essential to stay in quarantine and therefore jumping rope was perfect seeing as it does not require any human interaction and is rather very individualistic.