Prom 2018

Group CAS PRoject


learning outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

The five cas Stages:


The class of 2019, which is my class, had to organize prom "The Vivire" for the class of 2018 which are my seniors. As a class we started to discuss the themes and the date for the prom a year before with our seniors. We finally decided with the Oscar theme, and the event was held on the 3rd of March. We started planning for the prom in October. We decided to break the class into different teams. So each individual team would be responsible for something in particular. The groups were decorations, finance, advertising, hotel + food, and music and communications. The prom was one of the last events we had to organize and we had to make sure that their night would be a memorable night.


The groups made each had a leader, the leader had to make sure that the members of the team had to accomplish the given tasks and were helping each other. I chose to be in the decorations team. Since most of the the tasks were accomplished during prom, the decorations had to be made before. For the decorations we had to think of the things we would use and how much it would cost, so it wouldn't exceed the amount we were given. The decorations team had to make the personalized gifts and Oscar's trophy for the senior. With each trophy and gift being personalized for each senior.


Since most of the decorations were made before, we had to organize all of the gifts and trophy during the day to make sure there wouldn't be a chaos during the prom. We also worked on making our gallery and photo booth perfect so that the seniors could take pictures before entering the prom. During the prom we had prepared many activities for the seniors guessing the movie by emoji and the newspaper dance. It was a great experience in being a part and handling the event and I had a great time creating the gifts and trophies.


I learnt a lot through making prom a successful event. One thing I learnt is that in a group project it is that working collaboratively and communicating with each other is very important for a successful event. If there is no communication among each other than it would be a really hard task for everyone to reach their goals. In my opinion, together my class did a really good job in organizing the proms for our seniors as we could meet our goals. After so many hard working months, the proms was worthwhile. Overall, it was a remarkable experience that I would never forget.


I have learnt a lot through this project, I learnt how to organize an event which is something I want to focus in for my future career. The whole worked collaboratively by communicating with each other. Those are some of the most important experiences I picked out from this project. This knowledge that I have learned would be beneficial to me for planning events in the future and learn from the mistakes I have made. I would be sharing this experience on my CAS portfolio by helping and sharing my fellow students the knowledge I have gained The others, my seniors were satisfied and enjoyed their time in response of our hard work.