CAS Experiences

Photography Club


Learning Outcomes:

2. Challenging myself to learn a new skill.

3. Establishing a new skill by collaboratively working with other students.


I have been in Photography since the creation of the club which was in Grade 9. Before joining photography club I was never really into taking a lot of pictures and never paid attention to how taking pictures can actually change the your perspective on seeing and understanding things. Ever since I have joined the photography club I have started taking pictures not only in school but also out of school. Being in this club has changed me a lot. When I take pictures I see the beauty in them. I really like taking aesthetic pictures such as sunsets, beaches, and just sceneries in general. I really enjoy taking pictures ever since I joined this club.


Service + Creativity

Learning Outcomes:

4. Worked collaboratively with others

5. Collaboratively overcoming challenges

6. Engaged with issues of global importance


I have been in GreenHawks since grade 8. I think by joining this club it is a great way to help make a difference in our environment of our school. I am in the group where I help clean up and separate the garbage that is generated in the school. I help in cleaning the bottles and separating the bottle and the bottle caps. Other than that I help in differentiating on whether papers can reused or recycled. Being a member of this club for more than 3 years helped me realize the importance of limiting the amount of plastic and paper we use and how it affects us. Ever since then I have been trying my best to apply what I have learned throughout the years on myself.

fitness Club


Learning Outcomes:

1. Increased awareness of their own strengths and areas of growth.

4. Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experience.


I joined the fitness club last year (2017) to be a risk taker and try something different. I was always never the one to fitness or activity. Joining fitness club motivated me to overcome that and learn something new. It helped me discover my strengths and limitations, areas where I could improve on. In the beginning I was not used to it, therefore not committed but as time pass I got better which improved my commitment skills. Now whenever I can, during the weekends, I go for a jog along a park to keep motivated and fit.

operation Smile


Learning Outcomes:

4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

5. Worked collaboratively with others.

6. Engaged with issues of global importance.


I have been in this club since Grade 10. Operation Smile provides free surgeries to repair cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities for children throughout the country. We raise fundraisers and sell merchandise. The money earned goes to the organization that help with the surgeries. I have helped in selling merchandise and raising fundraisers in school. When there are different events I help the booth for example, International Day. I helped sell the merchandise. I have worked collaboratively with others in helping organize and decorated the fund raisers and booths. This organization is a global organization which makes this one of the global issues. It really makes me happy that being in this organization is helping children out there to smile again and change their lives positively.



Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

4. Worked and collaborated with the other students from different schools.

6. Engaged with some of the global issues


This was my first time going to the ServICE conference. It was very different from what I had expected and I learned a lot of new things. The conference was very inspirational and allowed many international students to share their thoughts and ideas. During my time in this conference I learnt about many issues that I had not deeply known about. We discussed many issues in the society that people face around the world with different local NGOs to raise awareness and make a difference. There were a lot of groups based on different issues and listening and talking to the people in these group really made me want to make a difference and join some of the groups. I really enjoyed going to this conference since it gave an opportunity for students from different schools to come together, collaborate and discuss different issues as a whole community.

Visual Arts


Learning Outcomes:

1. Increased awareness of their own strengths and areas of growth

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in process


I have been into drawing and painting ever since I was a child. I started drawing/shading since high-school to improve and develop new skills. Drawing is something I have done as a kid and will always continue. It is a way for me to get a break from school, work, and stress. It is not just about learning a new skill, it helps me think and be in another world of imaginary things. I usually draw things that I really like/interested in or if it is something really different that I have never tried before. Each time I draw I try to find something better and harder so it would help me improve my skills and learn something new.

Wells Without Walls


Learning Outcome:

3. Initiated and planned a CAS experience.

4. Worked collaboratively with others.

6. Engaged with issues of global importance.


Wells Without Walls is where students created different workshops and sessions for other students to learn and experience something new. The workshop me and my friends created was a game type. In this workshop we wanted students to realize the amount of carbon footprint they leave unaware. As a team we made different questions and printed out different sizes of footprints. The game was to show them the result of their amount of carbon footprint. We asked them different questions that determined their carbon footprint. This was something I had learned in my Environmental Systems and Societies class. Me and my team wanted others to benefit by doing this workshop and so they would be aware of their environment. It was a really great experience teaching my friends and students something new.

International Day


Learning Outcomes:

1. Increased awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth

4. Worked collaboratively with others


This year for international day my class had gotten the country Bhutan. We represented this country and connect it to one of the IB Learner Profile which was being reflective. I was in the creativity team where I helped make some of decorations such as the targets for the game we had at the booth. Other than my class booth I also helped other club booths such as GreenHawks, Operationsmile, and Photography Club. I helped promote the clubs and help sell some of the items. Overall, I collaborated with my class and other students in the clubs to help decorate and form the booth. I also helped in the activity/game for the class booth.

Primary Sports Day


Learning outcomes

1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

2. Developing skills.

5. Working collaboratively


I volunteered for the primary sports day which was held on 5th March 2018 where kids from other wells campuses came. For this sports day I was assigned to a particular team. I helped the assigned teacher of the blue team by organizing the kids. For example telling the kids to sit down and sending kids for the games they had to play. I also helped the kids understand what they have to do for the specific game, if they were confused. This shows that I was responsible to handle the kids in the sports day. I also worked collaboratively with the team's leader to work out what I had to help her with.

HS Sports DAY


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

2. Developing skills.

5. Working collaboratively


This year (2018) for high school sports day I challenged myself to play dodge ball. I am not an athlete, nor am I in any sports team. I developed my skills and played dodge ball. I rarely play sports so this was a challenge for me to play something. While playing I also worked collaboratively with my classmates to properly play the game without have problems. It was a fun game to play since it is not an everyday game and I get to play rarely. This was a good way for me to develop on my skill and work collaboratively.

Class of 2018 Graduation

Creativity + Service

Learning Outcomes

4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.


For this year's graduation I helped by packing and decorating the roses and I was an usher. This covers both creativity and service. The class of 2019 had to make the roses for the seniors who graduated. It wasn't mandatory to do but I helped my class. The way we made our roses come together was my idea. I helped with half of the designing of how the roses should be wrapped. We had to make two types, single roses and bouquet of roses. I mainly helped with the bouquet of roses were I cut the stems of the roses so they would fit in the wrapping paper perfectly and put them all together. The whole class worked collaboratively to meet and reach our expectations and goals. Other than that, I also helped the organize the graduation hats and gowns for the seniors. I also helped them dress up into their gowns.

Rainbow Run

Activity + Service

Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

5. Worked collaboratively with others.

6. Engaged with issues of global importance.


Rainbow Run was a run for the special need children in Thailand. The money bought for the shirts was donated to them. The run was held so that a community could get together and spread awareness about it. I went to the rainbow run with my friends and we joined the community. The objective of the run was to encourage more people to maintain healthy habits. It was a 2.5 km run and at the end of the run we earned badges for running for a good cause.

Thai Volunteer Center

Creativity + Service

Learning outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively


I volunteer at a Thai Volunteer Center where I did charity work. I had donated 100 baht for the materials and the volunteer center which goes to the charity. There were many other Thai students that joined. Together we all made drew something meaningful to ourselves. After drawing each of the students described as to what and why we drew on the bag. Overall, it was a great experience where I did something I like for a good cause.

World Yoga Day


Learning Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


During school I signed up for a Yoga Session. I learnt a lot through this session. I learnt different techniques on how to improve concentration and relieve stress. As I was doing the different yoga positions I realized that I didn't have to ability to stretch a lot and wasn't flexible enough. At first I thought yoga would be really easy but, soon I realized that it takes time and practice for one to do proper yoga. The session was an interesting and fun experience which I could apply to my daily life.



Learning Outcomes:

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions


I recently joined the PAWS club, during my senior year. It is a club where we help the street cats by donating and raising awareness among the school. During international day my friends and I made posters for the PAWS booth to present about the club. We also sold bakeries in order to earn money to later donate it. I have always loved animals and kittens are also one of them. I am really glad that I joined this club and can help raise awareness for the cats that need homes.

Hiking in Mazatlan


Learning Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


I went to the 2019 Senior Trip where I went to different cities in Mexico. One of the place we visited to was Mazatlan. Over there we went for mountain hike which in total was 8 km (+ walking on land to the mountain). This was a new experience and it was something I have always wanted to do. However, it was very tiring and challenging. Although it was tiring the view on top of the mountain made it worth it. In the end this was a memorable experience which was accomplishing and the view was worth it.