Art Page (Instagram)

Individual CAS Project


Learning OUtcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

The Five CAS Stages:


For this particular CAS project my interest was to learn and improve my drawing skills which I usually do when I am free. For this CAS project I will be drawing sketches of various things or people that I am interested in. I will be doing this project to also understand how to use social media to get more views and opinions on my artworks. I will be conducting this project by using the Instagram app which will allow me to create my own art page. This will help me post my various artworks and I will be able to see my improvement over time. Drawing is something I am very passionate about and I usually draw when I want to take a break from something and really focus on something I love.


The role I will be playing for this CAS project would be being an artist. Some of my responsibilities may be trying to post at least one to two artworks every month. For this project I will try to recreate sketches that have already been done and learn where I need to improve. I am aiming to work on this project till the end of my senior year and if I am able to I may continue in the future if I enjoy working on it. I will be starting this project from November 2017 and continue it. Some of the skills that are needed to engage in this CAS project would be having patience - to be able to start and finish my artworks, not just stop in the middle if it is not working out. I will also be able to connect with other artist through this platform which will help me improve my social and collaborating skills which I will need in the future if I work on collaborative projects.


To carry out this CAS project I will be a posting an artwork every month and try to draw or sketch something harder for the next month. I also would need to gain followers in order to gain more views and comments on my posts. To start with this project I will first need to create an Instagram specifically for my art, an art account. Then I will need to start by following other art accounts/pages for them to follow my account back. Then I will post my my drawings. In order to get more views and likes I will use several different hashtags for people to see my artwork through one of the hashtag. This way I will repeat the process. My goal is to get at least 100 followers on my art page. Through my research I have learnt that there are other art accounts that re-post artworks done by other artists. I learnt that I can also ask them to upload my artwork on their page. This way my artwork would get more publicized as the other account has more than 1000 followers.


To start off on my experience on self learning on how to draw and sketch, I would say I have improved a lot from the times I used to sketch as a kid. Now I am able to draw faces of actors and learn different skills in that particular type of drawing. Through this project I realized that like to draw black and white and I don't usually draw colored drawings. I believe that black and white drawings are easy to draw anywhere I want since I really only need a paper and a pencil for it. As I started my artwork feed on Instagram I realized that drawings and sketches are not the only thing i am interested in. Whenever I travel I usually take pictures of the landscapes and scenes I find beautiful and artistic. I added my photography in my Instagram art page. Then I started to organize my Instagram feed so it would look better. I started posting three drawings then three photographs. This way my feed would look organized and it made sense for me to do it that way. Through this I also enhanced my photography skills and I learnt how to take better landscape pictures. This was influenced because of my love of traveling. I love traveling and keeping memories of the places I have been to through the pictures I take. I also reached my goal of getting at least 100 followers for my art page.


Being an artist it took me time to improve my skills, I made many mistakes but I overcame it by going through a lot of different experiences. However, I have learnt a lot through this project. I learnt how to draw better, reach my goals, and enhance my skills in both drawing and photography. As I was drawing I realized how calm and happy I felt after my accomplishment of finishing each artworks. I have always loved drawing and I will be continuing it in the future. Although I started this project for CAS, I will be continuing it in the future and try to achieve new goals. As I started this project, I realized that there is a lot of competition out there. There are many people who do the similar things and it does get hard to be acknowledged for something you work on for so long and hard. It is also important to be patient and try to come up with ideas to overcome the challenges.