
Dance night by class of 2018:

Learning outcomes: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

DANCE NIGHT- Behind the Mask (CLASS OF 2018)

This was the best dance night ever and our class were all in charged of setting it up for the school. I was the one who decorated many things for the dance night, I painted so much that I started dreaming about it. It was the thing i contributed in and im proud of it.

This activity has gained us team work and unity. I learned to work with people and at the same time have a good time while doing so. I'm glad that other students who went to our dance night also enjoyed it.

Save Cattles and Buffalos Life: Donation

Learning outcomes: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

I donated and provide food for cows and buffalos that got released from the slaughter house. These are all the bovines that were about to be slaugthered but were all saved by people donating money in exchange for people who were about to send these animals to their death. These animals are really happy and grateful to be alive, these bovines are actually really smarter than I expected. The buffalos were nodding at me whenever they'd like some food, they're surprisingly very nice and well-behaved towards people who helped them. I saw a kid petting the cows and it was adorable.

Another question you may have in mind is that where the cows would go after being released. The answer is that survived cows and buffaloes will be given to farmers who need them for farming and agriculture.

Uniqlo : Clothes recycling

Learning outcomes: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

A few months ago, I had an idea about what I should do with tons my old clothes that i dont even wear it anymore being left in the closet. I remember that UNIQLO have this recycle your clothes section and there's a basket where you can turn your old clothes into a new one again from recycling. It is one of the best sutainable alternative to deal with fabric waste, as all of the cloth will be make again into a brand new UNIQLO fashionable clothing line. This shows that by one action can also make a difference instead of throwing things away.

Prom 2017 (For Class of 2017): Last year, me and the class of 2018 help making prom night for the past seniors.

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I worked and give out my ideas in discussion with my classmates to create the best prom night the 2017 seniors ever had. We voted and came up with the prom name "Star Fall" from a James Bond theme. I was helping with the decoration ideas for the prom night and we also decided to give out sachets to the seniors and two photo booths in the prom. One of the interesting thing we made is the photo booths full of 2017 seniors photos throughout the years being hanged down from the wall, its creative and a pretty background for keeping highschool memories.

Earth Week Project: No Plastic Day and waste classification day

Learning outcomes: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

People participating in this project includes Fha, Patty, Ken, Jajaa, Care, John, Gavin and Time.

This was made to raise awareness for Wells students to start an action that can improve the earth and reduced climate change. The activity is made for the middle school kids to enjoy and get educated on environmental sustainability. This project will be started during WELLS EARTH WEEK. This is actually non-profit and the money we gained will be used for a good cause.


Video Presentation (Ken and Time)

  • Video about how plastic and waste affect the environment will be shown to middleschool students
  • The video will include students' creative innovation that helps in sustainability
  • Presenting further about what more activities will be conducted during earth week

No Plastic Day (Patty, Jajaa and Care)

  • No using plastic during Earth week
  • Avoid using straws , use reusable water bottles
  • Green Hawks reuseable waterbottles being sold to students from middleschool to highschool lunch (WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY)
  • Selling small handy cotton bag with free fabric paint for a custom bag decoration at 50 baht from middleschool to highschool lunch

Waste Classification Day (Fha, John, Matter and Gavin in charge)

  • Classifying waste
  • Waste separation sign and sorted by different colors of the bin during middleschool and highschool lunch

At the end of this service, I hope that kids will learn to understand how little things can make a huge impact with the world and to see the importance of environmental issues. Be the change.

Cotton bag painting

50 baht

Greenhawks waterbottle

200 baht

Showing videos about environmental issues from waste and plastics to middleschool students

Earth Week(23rd- 27th April)

Earth Week