

Tennis from 5th grade to 11th grade

Learning outcomes: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Tennis is my most favorite sport and my favorite activity to do. I found out about it when I was 12. My teacher was a professional tennis player and he gave me a free ticket to Thailand Wimbledon tennis competition. I was there on the right day to be able to watch the BEST tennis player in the world championship at that time, Rafael Nadal. During the Wimbledon competition, I also met a famous female Thai tennis player, Tamarin. I took some pictures with her and she signed my Tennis case.

Until that day, I started to love playing tennis. I had tennis class every Sunday until grade 11th. Im not playing tennis recently because I'm busy with school, work and college admissions because I'm graduating. I might do tennis again when I'm in college.

Aerial Hammock(2018):

This is my first experience that I've tried aerial hammock with Karin. It is kind of like a yoga but with a rope. The lesson is for beginner and the price is about 500 baht. This is something I've never tried before and it turns out to be really fun eventhough my back would hurt sometimes during the excercise. There are some interesting yoga pose where you can float in the sir sitting on the rope, it feels exactly like you're on a swing. There are only two pictures because I've enjoyed this lesson so much that I forgot to take more pictures.

Learning outcomes: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

THAI BOXING(2017-2018):

Learning outcomes: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

This is my new favorite hobby that i've been doing since the first semester of senior year. I was taught by my dad how to appropriately throw a punch muay thai style with strength. These moves were also taught so I can protect myself using martial arts. I do this as a schedule, at least one time a week or more. I used to be unable to fight properly and couldn't throw a punch or how to duck an attack but after I learned Thai boxing things got alot easier. I am now able to throw a powerful punch and has gained strength from it. It is also a therapy to relax and relive your stress.

Pictures of me throwing an actual punch during Muay Thai lesson.

Volleyball team SEAHAWKS (grade 9-10)

Learning outcomes: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

During that time, I decided to try new activity I might enjoy and fell in love with. I saw that there were still a place for available for Wells student to join a volleyball team at the start of the year. I decided this is going to be the first time in my life to join school's sport team. Mr. Antonio was the main coach who taught me how to serve, hit and throw a volleyball properly and Mr. Ray came to help the team once in a while. He said, the only way for this to work is mostly communication within the the team and of course team work. We went to several international schools during Volleyball champion leagues competition like Ekkamai International School, Concordian and ICS. After this experience, I've made some friends in the team. I've learned the vskills for volley ball, how to communicate and help each other in the team to win this together.


Learning outcome: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The problem is that a few years before, I had trouble riding bicycles. I didnt know how to ride a bicycle properly until I turn 18. Last year my dad decided that it's time for me to actually learn how to ride a bike like anyone else. The first month of trying to learn it was quite hard for me, I was kind of scared and faced some accidents during the bicycle ride. Then a few months ahead, I became better and better at riding a bike in the public park. My dad started to take the tough route and took me to another huge public park that has a road made just for bicycles to run on. However, the bicycle road there was really scary because it has a few cars driving around, bumps and very steep road. This time, I didnt have any accidents and has become used to riding bicycles. After that day, I've finally know how to ride a bike and I still go the park once in a while to ride a bike. It felt relieved that I've gone through all of that and now Im able to ride a bicycle.