

Model United Nations

o Current Vice President of the Wells Model United Nations Club

o Awarded “Best Delegate” in the World Health Organization committee in the regional BKKMUN conference (2016)

o Organized and hosted the WIS MUN IV Conference (2018)

o Chaired in 3 conferences, including BKK MUN (2017) and FOBISIA MUN (2017), and WIS MUN III (2017)

o Participated as either delegate or chair in more than 10 conferences at various international schools in Bangkok


o Captain of the Debate Team (2017)

o Organized and lead team practices

o Created the “Debate Handbook” with essential vocabulary and extensive research

o Awarded 2nd place at the national Thailand High School Debate Championship (THSDC, 2017)

o Awarded “Top 3 Speakers” at the Anglo-Singapore Debate Tournament (2016)

o In the top 10 debate teams at the THSDC national Thailand debate tournament

Student Council

o Current Secretary of the Student Council (2017-2019)

o Elected representative of the Class of (2016-2019)

o Leader of the Community Engagement committee (2016-2017)

o Representing Wells in the TISSC forum (Thailand International School Student Committee)

Operation Smile Thailand

o Co-founder of the Wells Operation Smile Club known as “Smile Club”

o Organized and held a booth at the Smile Carnival (2017)

o Organized and went on a mission to Mae Hong Son to witness cleft lip & palate surgery and interact with affected children in recovery rooms

o Actively raising awareness and educating the public of the ailment & breaking cultural stigma surrounding it

Compass Education Youth Leadership (2018)

o Attended 3 sessions of Compass Education x IB Youth Leadership workshops to hone leadership, public speaking, and collaborative skills

o Presented a Keynote at the IB Professional Development Asia-Pacific Regional Conference

o Co-facilitated a workshop a workshop for IB teachers on Mindfulness in Education

World Scholar’s Cup

o Participated in the Tournament of Champions round in the United States (2014)

o Awarded 1st place with the “Da Vinci” award in the Bangkok Regional Round (2014)

Basketball Team

o Captain of U15 Girls Basketball (2013)

o 1st place of Thailand International Schools Activity Conference (TISAC) League (2014)

o 1st place in TISAC Tournament and League (2015)

o Member of the Wells Varsity Team (2016-2017)


Mahidol University: Faculty of Tropical Medicine, VIVAX Research Unit (MVRU)

0 Laboratory training in molecular biology: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and microscopy on blood samples to determine a positive or negative malaria case

o Training in the Insectary: membrane feeding, forced mating, and collecting pupae

o Field Research: Collect case studies of malaria in Tak, northern Thailand, with MVRU research team & researchers from China and Japan for malaria vaccination research

University of Hawaii Projects

1. “First Foods” cross-cultural nutritional study on indigenous Hawaiian infants and breastfeeding practices compared to mainland infants (Dr. Marie Fialkowski Revinolla & Jessie Kai)

o Interviewing participants, recording data, datalogging, and organising files

2. Beekeeping Project: inspect bee hives, recording data on Varroa mites in Bee colonies, and teaching high school students to correctly harvest honey (Dr. Ethel Villalobos & Scott Nikaido)

3. Scientific research and databasing on nutrigenomics and psychology in obesity (Ph.D candidate & professor Vanessa Araujo Almeida)