
Thailand High School Debate Championship 2017 (THSDC)

October 13-16

1. Identify Strengths and Areas of Growth

2. Challenges undertaken and Skills Developed

3. Initiating and Planning

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

As Captain of the Debate Team, I coordinated with our advisor, Mr.Sam to allow the team to compete in the annual THSDC. This championship is a highly competitive debate tournament which included teams from all around Thailand. My team, which included my peers Lila and Jira, worked together for weeks leading up to the tournament to research the prescribed motions. Together, with help from the Wells Debate Team, we came up with a research document with arguments for both sides of the debate (Pro/Con), as well as ample research to support these arguments. During this time, the team also practiced persuasive methods such as "Even If" arguments to diminish possible counterarguments, as well as work on our team flow to present a strong front.

As a result of much preparation and practice as a team, Lila, Jira and I went to the tournament with optimism. The first few rounds went well, whenever one of us stumbled or could not think of a response on our feet, we used a collaborative tactic and stated that our next speaker would address that. This allows us to not only avoid stumbling on questions that we may not be able to answer on the spot, but also give us points for teamwork as the team must think collaboratively and quietly to come up with a solution before the next speaker goes up to give his or her speech. Our best debate was the last debate on the first day of the tournament. It was an impromptu motion about the glorification of statues or monuments with a negative historical background. Our team was on the Proposition and ultimately won as we had improved our flow as a team towards the end of the day. At the end of the tournament, we did not break into the finals, but we still managed to place 11th. Through this experience, I learned to work as a team - sometimes giving time to help others more than having time for myself - and also improved my public speaking and argumentative skills. The preparation leading towards this tournament additionally allowed me to gain knowledge on a wide range of global issues that were not taught at school such as the Israeli-Palestine issue.

Art: Decorating the Art Bulletin Board (December 7th, 2017)

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I like to do art in my free time and has helped Mr.Renn (IB Art Teacher) decorate the supply lockers in the art room (Banksy graffiti pictured above). However, now that I am a part of the IB program and not taking art, I still try to incorporate it in my life as a hobby. I have recently painted a much needed poster for the bulletin board in front of the art room. I think it is especially important for non-Art students to still participate in art either for CAS, in their free time, or as a part of another class as it is a great way to destress, release anxiety, and clear the mind. It is also a great way for students to come together and share ideas, compliments, and materials during the process of making art as well as the process of sharing it. For some reason though, there seems to be a stigma surrounding Art - at least in my experience. When I was in the 2nd grade I told my parents (and everyone, for that matter) that I wanted to become an artist. I even made artwork (comics, paintings, drawings, pen tattoos) for my friends - and still do to this very day. However, my parents told young me that Art isn't a career path, and that future seemed to have shut down for me as I seek more "profitable" ventures and careers. Although I now understand that my parents were right in some aspects, as art is a difficult trade to master and profit from. Hence the term "starving artist." So with this piece, I pay tribute to those who still follow this path, even if it seems treacherous - because Creativity takes Courage.

Art Style Challenge (January-February 2018)

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Inspired by a "Style Challenge" I saw on the social media platform Instagram in which artists from around the world recreate other artists' works in their own style, I decided to do the same. I chose three different works, however two of them are by Van Gogh, the other is by Banksy. The first painting depicts sunflowers in different stages of life, with some wilting and some bright and alive, something that Van Gogh wanted to capture in a still-life monochrome painting. I chose this as the first work to replicate in my own style not only for that reason and not because I like the color yellow, but also because the name of the original painting is called "Sunflowers for Amy." Thus, for the painting I created in my style, I named "Sunflowers for Amy By Amy."

I thought I did a good job at replicating the original sunflowers' position and captured Van Gogh's ideas of the various stages of life well. For this piece, I also used the medium I thought would be easiest - oil pastels - instead of oil paints that Van Gogh used, nevertheless, it still created the same 3D- looking effect for the sunflower petals. Overall the first piece was a success and I continued with the second piece, which is a remake of Banksy's iconic pro-peace "Flower Thrower" graffiti. My version was painted on a locker. The final piece is also a Van Gogh piece - "Oleanders"- as I really enjoy his study on flowers and his use of colors. For this piece, I replaced the oleander flowers with a mix of tulips and poppies instead as they are my favorite flowers. I additionally added more vibrance and saturation to the piece and used bright orange, red, yellow, and purple colors for my flowers just to add a bit more of my vibrant personality into the piece. Overall, I really enjoyed this challenge as I have always enjoyed art but had never had enough time to start or finish artwork in my spare time and did not choose to take IB Art in fear of turning a beloved hobby into a chore (as well as fear of the workload). However, making art and enjoying the process made me realize that perhaps I made the wrong decision.


1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

WISMUN (November 12, 2017)

BKKMUN XXV (October 8th, 2017)

FOBISIAMUN (December 9th-11th, 2017)


On the 9-11th of December, I chaired an MUN conference held at Harrow International School Bangkok. A handful of schools attended, including many from Malaysia, Vietnam, and more. As a chair, I facilitated discussion and made sure the delegates followed standard protocol in the WHO committee. To be an effective chair, one must be knowledgeable in the issues in one’s committee, and I believe that due to my knowledge from AP Biology class, my passionate about the Health and Sciences, and my previous achievement as best delegate at a BKKMUN the WHO committee, I was able to provide the delegates in my committee with the best experience and prior knowledge through the Chair Report that I worked collaboratively with Anushka from NIST throughout an entire week to complete. I learned that communication between chairs is important as we almost did not complete the report in time as we had opposing schedules and did not clearly establish the division of the workload. Nevertheless, we accomplished the task separately, but through better communication and work distribution.

The topics discussed in the room included antibiotic resistant pathogens, the question of universal access to vaccinations, and preventing the spread of waterborne diseases. Going into this conference, I was confident in my ability to chair due to my previous experiences and was enthusiastic to hear fruitful debate points among the delegates. The conference went smoothly and the delegates formed meaningful friendships towards the end of the day. However, some challenges included getting all delegates to participate as only a handful of the same delegates mostly spoke throughout the conference. Perhaps this is something I should improve on as a chair at MUN as interest and participation can be encouraged more.

UNFAO Debate

(March 21st, 2018)

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

March 21st is national day of forests, and UNFAO - United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization - had invited Wells and other schools around Thailand to debate on topics concerning forests and urban development. The theme was "Forests and Sustainable Cities," and I competed alongside Sapal and Lina, both also from the Debate team. We debated on the issue of integrating forestry into urban settings, and our team was assigned "opposition," so we had to be against this notion. This was a challenge for me as it went against my personal beliefs since my beliefs are environmentally oriented. There were two debates in total, and we managed to achieve second place. Although we got second place, I still think that our team could have worked better together, as our points were not coherent and our organization was lacking. I could have planned and researched with the team in advance so that our points would be stronger and we would have better credibility and logical reasoning. Nevertheless, I enjoyed this debate and was honored to be a part of an important day.

Senior Hoodie Design

(February 19th, 2019)