
Girls Varsity Basketball team (2017-2018)

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Tournament: Vietnam, January 12-14, 2018

This tournament was very challenging as all of our opponents were schools from either Vietnam or Cambodia with teams we have never played against before. Thus, the team was not familiar with their coach, players, or tactics like we would be with an opponent from a school in Bangkok. The team worked well together despite having to include younger, non-varsity players since we were short on juniors and seniors who were able to go. It was difficult for me as the usual point guard/shooting guard because most of the younger players also had the same positions as me (usually these positions are for shorter people), thus I had to learn to be more flexible with my positions and also communicate with the new players. The first game was definitely not the best as the team started to adjust. Most of the new players were not as accustomed or familiar with our plays as the varsity players were, so it was frustrating at times. However, as we played our second game, the team became more unified as communication improved and mistakes from the previous game were pointed out. Unfortunately, during the second game I injured my arm and the sole of one side of my basketball shoes came loose. I ended up having bandages wrapped around my injured arm and tape wrapped around my shoe. I was back in the game promptly after getting fixed up and remained optimistic. With a close final game, the team went home with a silver runner-up trophy as we were unable to defeat the host team. First place or not, this tournament allowed me to really understand what it means to be a part of a team, to play together, and put the team first. All in all, it was a good experience that allowed me to become more patient while playing sports, welcome new players, and improve my verbal and non-verbal communication skills. The trip was very enjoyable as we also got to explore Vietnam's night markets and food scene as a team.

Tournament: Chiangmai, February 1-3, 2018

This tournament was perhaps one of the most challenging tournaments in my basketball career. The reason why it was challenging was because the teams in this tournament were the most formidable from their respective countries. There were the best teams from Thailand - both from Bangkok and Chiangmai - as well as extremely strong teams from China, Taiwan, and Japan. One of the reasons why it was especially challenging for me was because for this tournament, the coach had given me the responsibility of being point guard even though I was more comfortable with being a shooting guard. For most of my basketball experience, I have been either the shooting guard or the point guard due to my height and dribbling/ball control abilities. However, I usually prefer to be the shooting guard as one of my greatest weaknesses in Basketball is that I often become stuck. This happens when an opponent or multiple opponents try to prevent me from entering within the free throw area and I simply become stuck or unable to navigate around or between them and ultimately stop instead of finding a way to penetrate. For this reason, I had attempted to persuade our coach to let me continue being the shooting guard, however, she insisted that I remain point guard for this tournament. I was anxious as I was well aware of my habit of being "stuck," and was prepared to disappoint and embarrass myself. For the first two games, I became stuck frequently. However, as the tournament went on, I managed to navigate around or between players as I became faster on my feet and started to feel more energized during games. This did not improve our team's status though, as we had lost all of our games up until our last. Our last game was fun but exhausting. This game was no doubt the game in which I had scored the highest number of points in my career. I was point guard throughout the game and was finally confident and more masterful. The score was scarily close throughout the entire game, but our team ultimately lost by one last minute shot from the opponent. Despite being at the bottom in this tournament and losing ALL of our games, in the end, I finally understood why our coach forced me to remain as point guard. This tournament taught me that consistency is essential to achieving perfection and that the result of hard work and practice will speak for itself.

Outdoor Hiking Activities

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Hawaii Summer Science Program 2018: Weekend Hikes

cas hikes.mp4

During my stay in Hawaii for my summer science research camp, I went on 5 hikes. The first one was the Lighthouse Trail, and it was the easiest hike because there was a paved path. However, since I was not really physically active prior to this hike, I still got tired - and also got completely sunburned. The second hike was at the Lulumahu Falls which was not paved at all as we had to trek through muddy forested terrain. My white shoes turned completely brown, but the view of the waterfall and the hike along the way was completely worth it. However, a lot of us got bitten by mosquitoes multiple times. The third hike was at Kokohead, and was the most challenging hike as it consisted of steep slopes with more than 1,000 steps. I thought I would not be able to make it to the top as my stamina is low, however, I made it and the view was completely worth all those steps.The fourth was Diamond Head, and similar to the Lighthouse trail, it was paved and much more touristy. I appreciated the low-effort hike as I was still sore from Kokohead. The last hike was at a trail at Pu'u Maeli'eli and it was one of my favorites, as it had a canopy of trees that covered the scorching sun, so I did not sweat as much and the view was incredible. We also found old military bunkers. All in all, these hikes allowed me to regain my lost stamina as the hikes got progressively difficult and allowed me to remain active, and appreciate the natural landscape during my weekends in Hawaii.

June 18: Lighthouse Trail

June 30: Lulumahu Falls Trail

July 8: Koko Head Hike

July 15: Diamond Head Hike

July 22: Pu'u Ma'eli'eli Trail

Personal Fitness Plan

(February 9th - August 31st, 2018)

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

My personal goal from 2018-2019 is to be healthy and to gain weight. I realized that I was underweight when I checked my Body Mass Index (BMI) online and discovered that my BMI was 17.1 and the healthy range is 18.5 - 24.9

Although I knew that I was not incredibly unhealthy (as compared to my peers at least), as I mostly ate healthy meals and have a pescatarian diet, I thought that perhaps being underweight was the reason for my fatigue and low stamina. Wanting to be healthier and stronger, I vowed to become healthier by trying to maintain a higher weight, which I found was easier said than done.

To achieve this, I first tried to eat larger meals. I thought this was working, however, after 2-3 months, I still was not gaining weight and sometimes even lost weight. So, I did research about how to gain healthy weight and came across multiple sources advising against eating high carb diets, and to aim for a higher protein intake. As a carb lover and a pescatarian, protein was difficult for me. However, I was determined to achieve my goal, so I decided that I should start eating chicken again in order to maintain a healthy protein intake in hopes of increasing my weight. In addition to adding protein to my diet, to ensure that my weight gain would not only be consisting of fat, but also muscle, I started my personal workout plan that included weights. From then on, I started being more conscious of my daily intake, and became more passionate about gymming. The goal of my fitness plan was to build muscle in my lower body, back, and abdomen area, and after only 1 month, I saw a huge difference in the way that my body looked - mostly in my legs, as I could visibly see the muscles.

I was delighted with my results, and continued for 7 months until my subscription ended, and college application season started, and I had to temporarily halt my fitness lifestyle. As a result, I lost around 1kg of muscle mass (from 34.9 to 33.4), however, due to a healthy diet, I did not gain much fat mass. To this day, I still occasionally gym, with the usual breaks during exams and other assessments. Overall, it helped me be more conscious about leading a healthy life, as the numbers allowed me to see the difference in numbers whenever I was not as committed. However, in the end, I did gain almost 2kgs (from barely 44 to 45.9), which I would say is quite successful as it is incredibly difficult for me to gain weight (I am a ectomorph body type and my metabolism is way too good). I was also delighted that this weight was mostly muscle, as my muscle mass was initially 32kg, and I ended up with 35kg of muscle (which is a lot considering I weigh 45 kgs!).

As a student council representative, I helped facilitate Sports Day and additionally helped delegate responsibilities and roles to each student during sports day. However, I also participated in Basketball, Dodgeball, and Relay. Although our team did not win the basketball game, it was definitely exciting to play with members of my own grade as I usually only play with members of the basketball team. Both the basketball games and Relay race allowed me to collaborate and communicate with people differently than I do in classrooms.

During dodgeball however, I did not perform well as I was struck out just a few minutes into the game. Nevertheless, I was able to cheer on my teammates and lift school spirit as we competed for the trophy.

Overall, it was a rewarding experience that encouraged me to be more physically active and to be more vocal during team sporting events.

Sports Day

(March 29th, 2018)

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences