Tech Program

Is this your first show?

We welcome anyone who is interested in learning about technical theatre. You will be placed in a position that best fits you!

When and where does the Tech Crew meet?

Tech Crew will meet most days after school from 3pm-6pm. These times and days may vary depending on the schedule for the current production.

We meet either in the wood shop or in the auditorium.

A weekly schedule will be posted on the Tech Crew facebook page, on this website, and the callboard in the Performing Arts hallway. Please look at those schedules for specific days and times.

What if I just want to take the Tech Crew class?

Well, come on in! Anyone and everyone is welcomed into our tech class. If this is your first tech class, we suggest that you sign up for Theatre Production & Design 1.

Theatrical Production & Design 1

Interested in technical production and design! We cover all aspects of technical theatre! Imagine each class as a mini workshop. We will go over what each tech position does, how it impacts a production, and how we can access our inner creativity to help bring theatre to life!

Theatrical Production & Design INT

This course is offered to seniors only. This intensive class allows senior tech students to implement their knowledge while working on our main stage productions.

Behind the Scenes

Check out some photos of the Tech Crew at work!