Substance Abuse and Vaping

Substance abuse during adolescence is associated with many negative outcomes including problems in schools, injuries, emergency room visits, arrests, violence and other risky behaviors.   Research shows that the younger the person is when he/she first uses alcohol or drugs, the greater the likelihood that he/she will become dependent or addicted as an adult. Additionally, heavy alcohol and marijuana use in adolescence may result in long lasting functional and structural changes in the brain affecting memory and learning, decreasing motivation and increasing the risk of mental illness.

The following resources are available for you to review and learn about the challenges facing our adolescent population.  We encourage you to learn as much as you can and begin conversations with your children about substance use, teen drinking and vaping.

Please see  Substance Use Resources and Vaping PowerPoint. The school nurses have additional information and pamphlets in their offices if you need more resources or support.  We are here to help as we all work together to keep our children safe, healthy and well-informed.

Copy of Substance Use_Abuse Information for Website