Classroom Management

Classroom Mitigation Strategies

Hand Hygiene

Hand washing with soap, water, and disposable paper towels is readily accessible to all students and staff. Hand washing is the first line of defense for infection control and should be used over hand sanitizer whenever possible

Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can be used at times when hand-washing is not available.  Students may use hand sanitizer only with written parent permission. The nurse will inform you of students who do not have permission to use hand sanitizer.

Hand sanitizer stations are available in every classroom and are strategically placed throughout all the buildings. 

When to Wash Hands

Face Masks & Coverings / Face Shields

As of March 7th, 2022, Wellesley Public Schools will be mask-optional. We ask that all mask decisions are respected.

Face coverings are key  to reducing the spread of COVID-19, and are effective, especially when used in combination with physical distancing and proper hand washing. Some people are infected with COVID-19 and don’t have symptoms (asymptomatic); face coverings help reduce the spread by containing the infected person’s respiratory droplets from traveling to other people.  View the CDC Guidelines

When to Use Gloves

Gloves will be available in all classrooms. Gloves do not need to be worn for routine daily work and interaction in the classroom.  All of the gloves available within the district are latex free.

It should be noted that the wearing of gloves can give a false sense of protection as once the gloves have touched a surface, they are just as contaminated as hands.  Gloves should be used at the appropriate times and then discarded.

After removing gloves for any reason, hand hygiene will be performed with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer. 

Appropriate times to wear gloves are:

Protective Gowns

Protective gowns are available to staff when working in close contact with students or when there is the potential for contact with body fluids.

When to send a student to the Nurse’s Office

General Guidelines: