What is the difference between an MLO and a Bond?

A voter-approved MLO provides additional operating monies, typically for instructional programs and other high-priority operating expenses. Voter-approved bond measures, on the other hand, are often used to fund new schools and facility improvements.

What is the driving Weld RE-5J's lack of funding?

The State has withheld about $31.5 million from Weld RE-5J the past 10 years as a result of the budget stabilization factor, with more funding cuts projected for the 2020/21 school year.

Is Weld RE-5J's current tax rate lower than its peer districts?

Weld RE-5J has one of the lowest total mill levies compared to other school districts in the area. The only peer districts with a lower mill levy are Fort Lupton and Gilcrest. However, these districts have a much higher total assessed valuation.

Does the MLO have a sunset?

Yes. The MLO has a 10-year sunset. Renewal of the MLO would require voter approval.

To what extent has the community already weighed in on the proposed building improvements?

A Citizen Task Force - comprised of community members, business, civic, faith-based and educational leaders, parent and non-parents, senior citizens and other stakeholders - has helped develop the proposals that the community considered.

Did the district properly maintain its school buildings?

Weld Re-5J has been proactive in addressing repairs. However, there are major capital investments, like repairing outdated mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems, for which the district has been unable to fund.

What projects are included in the bond?

The bond includes 2 new facilities: Roosevelt High School and Elwell Elementary. It also includes updates and enhancements to:

Milliken Elementary School

Pioneer Ridge Elementary School

Early Learning Center

Milliken Middle School

Knowledge Quest Academy

Roosevelt High School (to serve as new middle school)

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