Vocal Music

"When I first started (choir) it was honestly just for fun, and I was super shy of singing. Then I began to really enjoy it, and I found out hey! I can really sing!

To you 5th graders out there who are thinking of joining choir, go for it! It is so much fun and the teachers are great! If you’re a little nervous about singing, you’re not alone. I was exactly the same way. And also there’s probably a bunch of other kids in that group who are nervous to sing as well. But if you’re interested in joining choir, do it!"  -Alex O, 8th grade

"I like that everybody in the room wants to be there. Everyone is supportive of each other and their capabilities with their voices. I like that you're still learning music but you can laugh and crack jokes at the same time. It's fun while still being instructive. I also like that we are able to pick some of our music because we get to sing what we want but also learn about other artists who our peers listen to. I guess music is just the road to discovery about yourself and the other people in the room. You get to learn things about people that you wouldn't have otherwise." -Ajaa F, 8th grade 

"I love that choir is a way of expressing yourself in a way that is customizable. I love singing and listening to the music we sing to connect with the piece. Choir has become a part of me and has helped me through many different situations. The community choirs build is really nice so when I come to class I always feel welcome and excited. Choir is really fun and is a really good outlet for a lot of people including me."  -Isis P, 7th grade

"In choir, I like that I can sing at a level I'm comfortable at singing at and that I have an amazing teacher that I can talk to. Since I've joined choir I've become a lot more outgoing and have become more comfortable around other people. And honestly when I wasn't in choir I kinda just felt like a robot with a daily routine and nothing better to do, but now that I'm in choir I get to talk about new things everyday and have more friends to talk to about them. Choir is just really awesome and I'm really happy I joined!" -Ari M, 7th grade  

"I sing because it’s like I’m saying what I feel, without making my own words!" -Sariah R, 6th grade

"I like to sing because I have fun." -Peyton D, 6th grade