
Year one Books

Multiply by Francis Chan. This is our base text for beginning discipleship.

The Key to Deep Change. Sort through the unfinished business in your life to free you to experience transformation.

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. How to slow down in our fast paced, distraced world and follow Jesus.

Master Plan of Evagelism. A practical guide to how Jesus made disciples.

Additional resources to grow

Bible Study

Dig Deeper

Great tools for Bible Study.


When Helping Hurts: A great resource on what it means to actually help those who are hurting and in need that challenges us beyond just giving handouts.


The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn. One of the best books written on generosity. This will change you.

Spiritual Disciplines

The Life You've Always Wanted. A great book exploring the Spiritual Disciplines to help you experience Jesus daily.

Christian Living

Humility - CJ Mahaney. Great book on what it means to pursue humility.

Christian Living

The Cross Centered Life - CJ Mahaney. Practical ways to remained focused on the Cross


Same-sex Attraction & The Church: People to be Loved by Preston Sprinkle. The best I have read on how to understand same-sex attraction as a Christian.


Surfing for God by Michael Cusick. A very well rounded and insightful book on the real struggle behind pornography.