Safety Promise

Safety Promise

All students are required to read, understand and comply with a Safety Promise issued at the beginning of the Broadcast Journalism class. The safety of all students is one of Weehawken High School's top priorities. And even though WHS and Mr. Flores have prepared a safe working environment, students will be working with equipment that if not handled safely could cause injury to themselves or a fellow classmate. A copy of the Safety Promise is provided below.

Broadcast Journalism Safety Promise

Broadcast Journalism Safety Promise 2022/2023

I, ______________________________________ promise to make safety the highest priority while attending my Broadcast Journalism classes each day. I understand that Weehawken High School administration, along with Mr. Flores, prepared the classroom to be a safe environment for all students, but that there may be situations requiring everyone to follow certain rules to ensure not only my own safety, but the safety of my fellow students and of any person who enters the classroom.

I promise to adhere to all school policies regarding the use of Personal Protective Equipment while in class. It is essential that all students do their part to keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible.

I promise to be aware of my surroundings whenever working in the TV studio and the control room. I understand that several people may be working in the same space at one time, and that equipment and cables can be moved around, without everyone knowing, causing possible tripping hazards.

I promise to use the buddy system whenever moving heavy equipment.

I promise to always use safety gloves and safety chains when handling, adjusting or moving studio or field lights.

I promise to treat studio and control room equipment as if they are my own personal equipment.

I promise to consult with Mr. Flores before making any adjustments to power cables, their configurations or assignments.

I promise to normalize the studio and control room at the end of each session to ensure the safety of the students who will be attending the next class. This includes making sure that tools and equipment are placed in their normal storage locations.

I promise that while attending class, should I be in any condition that would prevent me from following the rules above that I will speak to Mr. Flores, so a special accommodation can be made.

I fully understand that these promises made are to ensure the safety of all who enter our classroom including myself.
