
Reproduction occurs when an organism creates more of its own kind and always involves the passing of genes to the next generation.

DNA is a long thin molecule carrying coded information on how to operate the cell. A large length of DNA is called a chromosome. Different organisms have different numbers of them. Humans have 46.

The chromosomes are divided into sections. Some sections are more important than others and carry specific instructions for the cells functions. These individual instructions are called genes.

Together, we refer to all your chromosomes containing all your genetic traits your genome.

Your genome can be compared to a library.

Your chromosomes can be compared to books.

Your genes can be compared to chapters.

Your DNA code "letters" (aka bases or nucleotides) can be compared to words.

There are 2 types of reproduction

# Parents Genetic make-up of Offspring

Asexual 1 identical

Sexual 2 variation