11/12 Content

11 and 12th grade physical education is grouped into three different tracks. The main focus of the tracks will be designed around either lifetime, team sport activities or aquatics. Your child will receive a choice of which type of class they would like to be in depending on their interests of physical activity. All physical education classes will also involve an element of weight training and physical fitness, which we value while forming habits of a healthy lifestyle.

LIFETIME AND INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITIES This course will provide the students the opportunity to explore a variety of sport and recreational activities. These activities are designed to allow students to focus on their individual exploration and innovation while working in individual, partner work or group settings. These are activities that can be enjoyed throughout their lifetime and the focus is on continuous improvement more than the final outcome. Students will learn the value of communication, cooperation, accountability, sportsmanship, rules and strategies. Students will experience and explore community resources that can assist them in their passion for lifetime activities. Activities may include, but not limited to, tennis, badminton, archery, bowling, pickle ball, golf, rock climbing, hiking, etc.

TEAM SPORTS This course will focus on team activities and support students in the improvement of skill acquisition working toward competency and proficiency. An emphasis on the seven essential skills (resilience, perseverance, communication, self-management, collaboration, integrity, and time management) will be incorporated into the curriculum. Activities may include team handball, basketball, floor hockey, broom ball, volleyball, flag football, rugby, ultimate Frisbee, soccer, softball, water polo, lacrosse, bowling, badminton, etc.

AQUATICS This course will offer students the opportunity to become competent and proficient in a variety of aquatic skills and activities. Students will learn lifeguarding skills and have the option of earning lifeguard certification through certification in first aid, CPR/AED, safety, and swimming techniques necessary to work as a certified lifeguard. Students who complete the certification program will receive a lifeguard certification card. This class empowers students with the knowledge and skills necessary to gain employment as a lifeguard. In addition to lifeguarding skills activities may include the following: Swim strokes, water aerobics, aqua spin, water polo, water resistance training, kayaking, canoeing, iceberg, etc. Students also have the option of earning college credit through the MCC Dual Credit program.