How can Startups Leverage AI to Compete with Large Organizations

Artificial intelligence is bringing a revolution to business operations. When large enterprises have already started experimenting with this ground-breaking for quite some time now, it’s high time for startups and small businesses to leverage this technology to survive and thrive in the market.

If you are still not convinced, let us tell you that AI technologies have a potential market size of $195 billion by 2025.

Artificial Intelligence for Small Businesses

» Seamless Communication

As businesses are always looking to improve communication, investing in artificial intelligence will be a smart idea. AI-powered chatbots ensure seamless communication and enable the users to resolve their queries without any delay.

A study by Microsoft reports that globally, 54% of the consumers have a higher expectation for customer service than they used to have even a year back. As you can understand, integrating chatbots will be a strategic move to that end.

If you are investing in website development services, make sure to ask the developers to integrate a chatbot into the site.

» Personalized Service

Thanks to artificial intelligence, you can get access to a wider pool of data. In today’s age of Big Data, it will help to scale your business. Backed with these insights you can optimize your business operation.

For instance, states that 72% of consumers only respond to marketing messages. Make sure your product/service recommendations are highly customized.

Not sure how to personalize your marketing materials? Consider engaging professional digital marketing services. The experts will take care of it all.

» Intelligence Tools

AI tools will help you acquire insights into customer behaviours and competitors’ strategies. Leveraging the benefits of advanced computer tools, predictive analysis, machine learning algorithms, and other business intelligence tools can help you optimize your efforts.

From your website or mobile app to social media profiles - each of your online destinations should have integrated analytics tools. These will help you get real-time insights into the customers’ requirements and customize your offers.

» HR Process

Team building is a strenuous job and you can streamline it with the help of artificial intelligence. With the application of natural language processing, various tasks can be automated.

For instance, AI can help in the automatic screening of resumes, shortlisting the right match, verifying and validating credentials, tracking the status of application and progress, and so on.

It can also be used in the onboarding process, helping the new employees learn about company policies, benefits, and acquiring feedback from the employees.

» Data Security

Cybersecurity is a crucial thing these days. A security breach can affect your brand and completely ruin your business.

AI tool has proved its merits in enhancing data security. Artificial intelligence can analyze previous attacks, learn about the patterns present, predict any potential risk, and help you prepare beforehand so as to prevent the threats.

» Futuristic Appeal

As a small business owner, every attempt at driving a futuristic appeal will benefit your business. It will give you an image of a potential brand and keep you ahead in the race.

Adopting artificial intelligence ensures just that. It will make your users feel that yours is a reliable brand that cares for the users. You never know, how it translates for your business!

Closing Thoughts

As you can see, artificial intelligence immensely helps in lowering turnaround time, enhancing efficiency, and reducing cost. Further, it helps in personalizing offers, product/service recommendations, and lead generation.

All these benefits make artificial intelligence a powerful tool to ensure customer satisfaction and drive brand loyalty - much desired for any and every small business.

Following the above-mentioned steps will help you leverage the potential of artificial intelligence and thrive. We hope you have found the article insightful. Feel free to share your thoughts with us.