Travel Opportunities

Conference Travel Funding

Note: Grant proposals should be approved before any travel arrangements are made.

We encourage you to present your papers at professional conferences in the United States and overseas, and we can underwrite up to $500 in travel costs following the submission and acceptance of your travel proposal to the program director. The Graduate Student fund from the Office of Undergraduate Research also provides monies upon submission and acceptance of a travel proposal.

Past students have presented at conferences in Canada, Illinois, Texas, Nevada, Missouri, New Mexico, Taiwan, Nigeria and elsewhere.

Travel grant funding is available to you from the Master of Arts in English Program and the Office of Undergraduate Research. This funding is for travel-related expenses and registration if you have been invited to perform or lead a presentation of your independent scholarly work at a professional or scholarly conference.  Please complete both of the forms below: 

Please indicate on the worksheet how you would like the expenses funded, MA English would be the Dept/College in the first column.

These forms require signatures from the Faculty Mentor and MA English Program Director. Complete the form, print it, and obtain the necessary signatures. You should discuss details with the program director and/or faculty as soon as possible.  This process could take up to 6 weeks.

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