Assistantships and Apprenticeships

Note: Updated information and application instructions for assistantships and apprenticeships are emailed to students.

Teaching Assistantships 

Competitively awarded, our teaching assistants receive a stipend of approximately $970 per credit hour per semester for teaching. Teaching assistantships also include partial-tuition waivers for up to 6 credit hours. Coursework in teaching college writing and composition theory are required.

Positions are renewed on a year-to-year basis, with satisfactory reviews, and will expire after a term of 2 years.

Teaching Apprenticeships 

Competitively awarded to Master of Arts in English students with secondary licensure, our teaching apprenticeships include a partial tuition waiver for up to 3 credit hours and a stipend of approximately $970 per credit per semester. Coursework in composition theory is required.

Positions are renewed on a year-to-year basis, with satisfactory reviews, and will expire after a term of 2 years.

Research Assistantship 

Our research assistantship includes a partial-tuition waiver for up to 3 credit hours per semester for a total of 2 semesters. If selected, you will work closely with 1 or more faculty members during fall and spring semesters.

Depending on needs, you may be expected to assist faculty with research projects, provide outreach for the Master of Arts in English Program and/or the Department of English, work on projects with the program director and assist with event planning, hosting authors and scheduling events. You will be expected to work no more than 10 hours per week during fall and spring semesters. This position is reviewed at the end of the semester and expires after 1 year.