Theses and Directed Readings

If you would like you can peruse examples of thesis projects that have been successful in the past. Simply look for thesis projects prefaced with "MENG" to explore those from our program.

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If you would like to write a proposal for individualized instruction, you'll need to complete the appropriate form.

Please note that all requests for individualized instruction (thesis, practicum, and directed readings) must be submitted to the program director in one semester before the semester in which it is to be completed. Discuss your ideas and proposal with the faculty member with whom you wish to work as soon as possible to plan your program of study.

Remember, it takes time to write and revise a proposal. It also takes time for review and approval before the thesis or directed reading can be set up. Please take time to speak with your professors and the program director early in the semester so that we can help you write a successful bid.

Submit your thesis to the library once it is complete at the link below!