Computing & ICT

Head of Department

Mr Mathew Chesters


Mr Petri Mostert


Key Stage 3

Year 7 & 8 Computing

Computing in years 7 & 8 focuses on 4 main strands.

Reports sent home will reflect students ability in these areas using levels 1-8

  • Digital Literacy - Students will learn to use a range of software tools such as web browsers, word processing software, spreadsheets and presentation software. This will prepare them for using IT tools in other lessons, for independent study and beyond

  • Computer Science - Students will gains an understanding of some of the basic conepts in Compuer Science, such as binary numbers, logic gates, visual game design in Scratch and a simple Python introduction

  • Online safety - Students will learnvaluavle lessons about how to stay safe online in our modern age. This will include , Self Image & Identity, Online Relationships, Online Reputation, Online Bullying, Health, Well-being & Lifestyle, Privacy & Security of Information, Copyright & Ownership

  • Multimedia - Students will gain experience in video editing, sound editing and image manipulation software

Year 9 ICDL (International Certification of Digital Literacy)

Year 9 students will be work towards a Level 2 IT Skills qualification. This is at the level of a GCSE, and is composed of 4 online examinations that will be completed during class time throughout the year.

The individual units are as follows:

  • Word Processing (Microsoft Word)

  • Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel)

  • Presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint)

  • Productivity - A combination of each type of software

Student progress will be reported on using the following indicators in each of the four units:

  • Building- students have only a basic grasp of the skills required to pass

  • Developing - student have built on their skill set, but still have a way to go before they are equipped to pass

  • Securing - students have developed a wide range of skills that still need to be practiced and will soon be ready to sit the exam

  • Mastering - Students have a comprehensive understanding and are ready to take the final examination

  • Passed -Students have taken and passed the unit

Key Stage 4

Edexcel iGCSE ICT

The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to:

  • explore how digital technology impacts on the lives of individuals, organisations and society

  • learn about current and emerging digital technologies and the issues raised by their use in a range of contexts by individuals and organisations

  • develop awareness of the risks that are inherent in using ICT and the features of safe, secure and responsible practice

  • broaden and enhance their ICT skills and capability

  • work with a range of digital tools and techniques to produce effective ICT solutions in a range of contexts

  • learn how to reflect critically on their own and others’ use of ICT and how to adopt safe, secure and responsible practice

OCR GCSE Computer Science

OCR’s GCSE) in Computer Science will encourage students to:

  • understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of Computer Science, including abstraction, decomposition, logic, algorithms, and data representation

  • analyse problems in computational terms through practical experience of solving such problems, including designing, writing and debugging programs

  • think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically

  • understand the components that make up digital systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems

  • understand the impacts of digital technology to the individual and to wider society

  • apply mathematical skills relevant to Computer Science