
Head of Careers and Guidance

Miss Charlee Hales


Careers, PSHCE & Personal Development

Within the PSHCE, Careers and Personal Development curriculum we aim to provide students with opportunities that allow them to understand the world of work by developing the skills and knowledge to succeed and make choices about their potential future pathways.

In line with the Gatsby Benchmarks & Career Development Framework and alongside their core curriculum subjects we seek to support students as they become responsible citizens, contributing to society, the community and wider world.

Here is an overview of the topics covered at each Key Stage within PSHCE / Careers & Personal Development classes.

Top tips for preparation for an interview

Be able to talk about yourself, hobbies, clubs, sports, studies, A Level subjects, challenges faced, strengths weaknesses, ambitions, where you have challenged, what you are passionate about. If you took part, what skills did you gain from Young Enterprise or D of E. Remember, the more time you talk about yourself the less time for some more challenging and targeted questions!