Creative Arts

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Miss Caroline Carr

Head of Faculty


Nicola Shaw


Peter Appelqvist


Miss Kate Hughes (Art & Photography)


Key Stage 3

What we study:

Year 7 A range of different media including painting, drawing techniques, pottery, printmaking, collage and art history. Formal elements are introduced which include line, tone, colour, texture, form and composition.

Year 8 We develop the skills and increase the complexity of each project. As there is more time allocated to Year 8 lessons there is the opportunity to look at formal elements in more depth.

Year 9 Techniques are refined; there is a greater level of analysis. Students are introduced to skills related to building sketchbooks and researching the work of artists.

How we study:

One lesson in Years 7 and 9, and two lessons in Year 8. Practical workshops in the lessons and research in independent study to prepare for the next lesson. Individual work, group work and presentations to the group.

Key Stage 4

We aim to study a variety of themes, skills and media. Drawing forms an important foundation for the course. Controlled assessment units need to show a range of materials, preparatory work, recorded observations, processes, historical references and studies of the work of other artists. The examination is based on starting points from a question paper. The final piece is limited to 10 hours and the same criteria apply as in controlled assessment.

In order to achieve success students need to be motivated as well as talented. At least two hours of homework per week is required. This can be completed in the art rooms at lunchtime, after school or at home.

Course content:

The Portfolio element is 60% of the final assessment. The Externally Set Assignment is 40% and this is issued in January.

There is a requirement that observational and progression drawings are embedded in the work. Clearly annotated sketchbooks with a specialist vocabulary are essential.

How we study:

We have 3 lessons per week in Year 10 and 2 in Year 11.

The lessons are workshop based. At the start of Year 10 we have an induction unit which is based on a variety of art history movements and we introduce students to media that they have not had the chance to use before.