Financial Aid
The 2024-25 FAFSA is new, and will not release until December 2023 this year. It is still a State of Texas Graduation requirement, so stay tuned for updates and information on getting yours filled out!
The Roadmap outlines important resources for all of our partners.
For students and parents, FSA will
carry out the Better FAFSA Better Future campaign, which spreads awareness of the changes to the FAFSA process and form;
update, to include revised FAFSA help articles and tools such as the Federal Student Aid Estimator;
conduct outreach and tutorials about obtaining an FSA ID; and
expand language-specific resources and translation services to the 11 most common languages spoken in the U.S.
For the most up-to-date information, please check out this link!

Filling Out Your FAFSA
You will create a new password which is different from your PIN number
List at least one college you will be applying to so the college can receive a copy of your FAFSA information. You may list up to 10 colleges
You will be considered a dependent even if your parents do not plan to help you pay for college
If your parents are divorced, provide financial information for the parent who has legal custody of you
If your parents have completed their tax return you can save a lot of time and effort by utilizing the IRS data retrieval Tool to get the information needed to directly populate into your FAFSA
Signing and Submitting your FAFSA
Use your PIN number that you created prior to filling out your FAFSA to sign and submit your form. You will receive a confirmation page. In three days, you will receive a summary of your FAFSA titled the SAR (Student Aid Report). The information will sent to your colleges of interests and then the colleges will contact you (typically via email) with an award letter outlining what aid you are eligible for from their institution,
Check out this video on paying for college!

Check out the info below for Texas Guaranteed Tuition Programs