Domain Extensions


What does .com mean?

The .com domain extension is short for "commercial." Most for-profit businesses use .com extensions because it is the most widely used domain extension on the internet.

Why does this matter when researching?

The number one goal of a for-profit company is to make money and sell their product or service. This may mean that you, as a researcher, are not getting all of the facts or perspectives on the issue you are researching.

Is a .com website credible?

Many .com websites are credible sources. However, it is important to know that anyone who pays for a .com domain extension can get one, so it is more important to make sure that the website you're working with has cited sources and that their information is in-line with other websites you've researched on the same topic.


What does .gov mean?

The .gov domain extension is reserved for United States government agencies. These range from the FBI, to the White House, to websites for state and local government programs and officials.

Why does this matter when researching?

This domain extension is published by various branches of the United States government. It is important to know that information published on government sites is information that has been deemed acceptable for the public to know. In some cases, some information is classified and hidden from the public, so the helpfulness of .gov websites will vary depending on the topic.

Is a .gov website credible?

Information from websites from a .gov domain extension are published through a government lens, and it is important to consider that lens as you are researching. It is important to consider the government's stance on your topic and whether or not that stance impacts the type of information that is published on their websites.


What does .edu mean?

The .edu domain extension is reserved only for educational institutions (such as K-12 schools) and universities.

Why does this matter when researching?

It is important to understand that some information published on .edu sites has been published by the teacher as classroom resources for students to use, and some information published on .edu sites are student projects. Information that has been published by a teacher is OK to cite in your research projects, however, it is not OK to cite student projects in your research.

Is a .edu website credible?

Many times, .edu websites are great places to go for research because they are created by educational institutions. However, you must look further into the information published on these sites to see if they were created by an expert (a teacher, a researcher, etc.) or if they were created by a student (like a paper, presentation, or another type of project for class).


What does .org mean?

The .org domain extension is short for "organization." This extension is commonly used by non-profit organizations.

Why does this matter when researching?

Non-profit organizations are made up of groups of people who care deeply about a certain topic. Because they care deeply, the information presented on these sites is usually meant for people who already agree with their position or it may be trying to persuade you of their position.

Is a .org website credible?

While .org websites may provide credible and factual information, it is important to remember that this information may be biased. Biased but accurate information may be used in research, but it is important to continue researching from multiple perspectives to make sure you're getting a full picture of the topic.