French Club

French Club provides an opportunity for French students to partake in fun, cultural activities in order to experience the French language and culture outside of class.  Throughout the year, you might see French club members celebrating French holidays, playing French games, watching French movies, partaking in National French Week Activities, and more!

French Club is open to all students grades 6-8 who have French this school year.

Students who would like to join French Club are asked to make a one time per year contribution of $5 to help offset the costs of the French Club activities and events.  Merci!  Thank you!

There will be one French Club event per month all school-year long. 

NEXT EVENT:  September 2024

Félicitations 2023-2024 French Club Representatives!

6th Grade Reps: Helena Reich

Austin Slusarek

7th Grade Reps: Gavin Her 

Anna Heraly

8th Grade Reps: AJ DeMoulin

Srikar Vemula