Spring PE work

March 5 - 11 

March 12 - 18 

March 19 - March 25 

March 26 - April 1

April 2 - 8

Then I had the performances for pippin and that week was super busy so I was doing theater stuff the whole weekend. 

Over break: 

I was in Arizona over break. While staying at my grandparents house I tried to get outside and go on walks most days, and we also went to the grand canyon for a night, going on two 3 hour hikes up and down sections of the canyon. 

Helping with middle school track: I come practice with them 3-4 days a week

May 1 - 5

May 8-12 

May 15-19

During track I did a printing workout with the middle schoolers and also led two long runs for the mid distance kids. That weekend I also did a short hilly run on the road by my house.

May 22-26 

On Monday I ran a pyramid workout with middle school, we did a 200, 400, and a 800, then a short cooldown run. On Tuesday Me and the other assistant coach went a 30 minute run together before helping with the highschool meet until 4:30. On Thursday we went on a run and then on Friday we went on another run and then took then me and the other assistant coach took the mid distance down to the river. 

May 30 - last day of track 

I did a short speed workout on the track and then we bought a few kids swimming again.